Ripe 181
Tony Bates
Fri Oct 7 18:51:30 CET 1994
Cengiz, they were and I know we have a small outstanding issue on the interas-in. Can you for my purposes detail the issues for me one last time and lets see if we can get to the bottom of this. Thanks, --Tony. cengiz at ISI.EDU (Cengiz Alaettinoglu) writes: * * Hi, * * I read the final Ripe 181. It looks pretty nice. Congratulations to * the authors. I hope that my comments were helpful. * * Regards. * * Cengiz * * -- * Cengiz Alaettinoglu Information Sciences Institute * cengiz at University of Southern California * -------- Logged at Mon Oct 10 20:41:46 MET 1994 ---------
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