Implementation of RIPE-181++
Jessica Yu
Tue Oct 4 21:12:00 CET 1994
Currently, in the 81++ document, thought it is not written explicitly, it implies that if one does not list certain AS or nets in as-in/out, it means the opposite policy of what mentioned. For example, if AS1 has the policy of as-in: from AS100 1 accept AS690 AS200 means from AS100 it will only accept AS690 and AS200 and NOT rest of the ASs. as-in: from AS300 1 accept NOT (AS301 AS302) means from AS300, it will accept ANY ASs except AS301 and AS302. Same rule can not be applied to interas-in/out since according to the rule of interaction between the two set, interas-in will also accept whatever the difference between the as-in and the union of the interas-ins. This means that if an AS has the policy of NOT accepting a particular AS or routes at a particular connection, its interas-in has to always explicitly list the NOT's. as-in: from AS100 1 accept AS690 AS200 interas-in: from AS100 L1 R1 (pref=1) accept NOT AS200 (he can not say here 'interas-in: from AS100 L1 R1 (pref=1) accept AS690' and expect it implies NOT accept AS200) interas-in: from AS100 L1 R1 (pref=1) accept AS690 AS200 That is, one can not expect the same as what him gets from as-in where if he list what to accept then he does not need to list what he does not want to accept. This needs to be explained in the document. --Jessica -------- Logged at Tue Oct 4 21:25:22 MET 1994 ---------
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