Last gasp on Communities
Tony Bates
Tue Oct 4 16:36:39 CET 1994
"Dale S. Johnson" <dsj at> writes: * Pardon me for dragging up this "Community" issue one last time. I think * Marten's comments below do make this all clear, but I'll take this last * chance again to make sure that I'm not misunderstanding, now that the * documentation is about to become final. * * If I want to create a community: * * 1) I must create and register the Community object. * 2) I then ask the maintainers of the Route objects which should * be in that community to add my new community name to their * Route comm-list attributes. * 3) I get a mail message each time the new community name is added to * or deleted from any Route object. * This is right yes. * If this is correct, you might want to add a few sentences like these to * the Auth document. (Or, if this doesn't belong in the Auth document, * it really ought to be written down somewhere, including in the upcoming * training courses). * I will check with the main editor (Daniel) if he wants to add this in. Thanks for the comments on this and all documents by the way. --Tony. -------- Logged at Tue Oct 4 19:31:40 MET 1994 ---------
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