more on prdb format
Marten Terpstra
Thu Nov 17 00:02:25 CET 1994
* > Some more things on the format of prdb a la ripe-181: * > * > - I thought we agreed to store the objects without syntactic sugar? * > The whois server automatically inserts the sugar and if it is already * > in the plain db file, it will show up twice in the whois output .... * * Ok; I'm changing this now. Again, this code predates the decision about * syntatic sugar. OK, excellent. * > - there are some extra keywords for the peer definition in an inet-rtr * > which are not ripe-181, what are we going to do with them? Examples: * > *pe: AS2649 BGP passive * > *pe: AS2020 EGP def * > * > According to the spec, after the protocol indication there can be an * > optional AS number only .... * * Yes, this is problem. I doubt we can generate AS690 configs without * this information, or that any else can generate their configs without * it, either. Suggestions? Not sure. Perhaps we need some experimental extensions to the inet-rtr object... You are probably closer to knowing what you want than us. I would like to keep the attributes as they are defined now as they are and any extra stuff needed should move to new (experimental) attributes. We can't have a stable set of attributes if we keep changing the form of them. This will confuse too many people. * > - then the number of AS objects that have no policy information. May * > of them have fake maintainers, many of them are European, and I * > personally do not think they should be in the prdb (or rrdb for that * > matter). * * Sounds like a problem for the GRR meeting at the IETF. You don't * want to throw away the AS-name information just because there isn't any * policy registered for it, because then prtraceroute etc. become much * less valuable tools. There should be a good way of picking the "best" * (or, probably, most authorative) source for data to be used by * tools. Definately yes. Let's take this up at the GRR meeting. * Eliminating maintainer objects for which we have no contact information * has been on my queue for about three hours now; that one will get solved * when I get some time. No problem, all these comments were purely things that I noticed. Now that we have a real spec in ripe-181, we should try and stick to it. We should start with a stable set and only after that move on. * > What we have done at the NCC is simply place them in their * > own little database (source NCC-AS-LIST) which is simply generated * > automatically and provides at least a descr for all unknown ASes in * > the RR. * * How is this different from having these little records in the * prdb.db? Slightly in semantics. The AS list we keep is not part of the routing registry as such. Again, we should take these issues up with the general data distribution model. * > I think you should only register the AS that have policy info. * > If not, the RRs have loads of overlapping and possibly inconsistent or * > differently formatted information which is no good. * * Again, refusing to know the name of an AS because they haven't yet * registered their policy strikes me as a bit self-defeating. Overlapping * and therefore potentially inconsistent data is probably the central * problem of the GRR; we have it in a lot more cases than just this. In my view (but I can be wrong) it is more what info is in a RR as opposed to info being used by the tools ... Not a big deal, a data distribution model should solve these things. -Marten -------- Logged at Thu Nov 17 14:43:22 MET 1994 ---------
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