more on prdb format
Marten Terpstra
Wed Nov 16 20:16:42 CET 1994
Some more things on the format of prdb a la ripe-181: - I thought we agreed to store the objects without syntactic sugar? The whois server automatically inserts the sugar and if it is already in the plain db file, it will show up twice in the whois output .... - there are some extra keywords for the peer definition in an inet-rtr which are not ripe-181, what are we going to do with them? Examples: *pe: AS2649 BGP passive *pe: AS2020 EGP def According to the spec, after the protocol indication there can be an optional AS number only .... - then the number of AS objects that have no policy information. May of them have fake maintainers, many of them are European, and I personally do not think they should be in the prdb (or rrdb for that matter). What we have done at the NCC is simply place them in their own little database (source NCC-AS-LIST) which is simply generated automatically and provides at least a descr for all unknown ASes in the RR. I think you should only register the AS that have policy info. If not, the RRs have loads of overlapping and possibly inconsistent or differently formatted information which is no good. That's it for now, -Marten -------- Logged at Wed Nov 16 22:57:51 MET 1994 ---------
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