draft "advisory" text
Dale S. Johnson
Wed Nov 2 19:48:39 CET 1994
Daniel, Tony, Marten, others, Here is a draft description of the new "advisory" attribute for the route object. The text below is split between additions to the current "Experimental Objects" draft, plus a prposed new "advisory-as690" draft. This presentation still feels pretty rough to me, but hopefully this is enough to get us started (since this all needs to be implemented very soon). Comments, flames, etc. welcome. --Dale ============================================================================= proposed for "experimental" ============================================================================= > > > > > > > > > > > Experimental Objects and attributes for the > Routing Registry > > > Laurent Joncheray & Dale Johnson, I suppose. > > DRAFT > > Document ID: ripe-1nn > > > > > > > 1. Introduction > > Two new attributes of the AS object which are proposed and supported > by the Merit Routing Registry are as-transit and db-selector. A new route attribute "advisory" is proposed. > > 2. "as-tranit" > > as-transit describes the transit preferences of an AS. It allows an > AS to describe its path preference in order to reach certain desti- > nations. The AS(s) specified in the path preference may or may not > be an immediate neighbor of the AS defined in the AS object. as- > transit accommodates policy decisions involving AS path whereas as- > in and as-out do not. It is not unusual for ASs to have routing > policies which involve path selection based on AS. Emerging proto- > cols like SDRP will allow an AS to choose a path independent of a > neighboring ASs path choice. as-transit permits descriptions based > on AS path selection. > > 3. "db-selector" > > The DataBase Selector (db-selector) function allows one to take > advantage of information registered in other Registries. It permits > the selection of networks in a database based on their attributes. > It is proposed to be used within the as-in/as-out attribute family > to make the description of policy concise. For example, if an AS > has the policy of not accepting any routes from country XYZ, the AS > can use the db-selector to check a database which has a network and > country attribute and relate that information to the information in > the routing registry. The advantage of referencing another database > is that the routing registry will avoid duplicating the information > maintained in other information registries. > 4. Route object "advisory" attribute The format of the route object advisory attribute is: route: [prefix/length] advisory: ASXXX [AS-specific information] This attribute provides a place where the people responsible forrouting the net can provide specific suggestions to remote ASs on how that remote AS should handle the route. For example, ASX would like to request of ASY that ASY accept this route R through ASY's router Z. To implement this, ASY needs to put an interas-in statement in its own asn object, specifying that route R be accepted with a low metric through router Z. The actual policy representation that is used for routing will be ASY's interas-in object. But ASX's route advisory attribute provides the way of requesting that ASY make this change, and of registering ASX's preference for this particular routing. --------AS690-specific example: delete if you like: As an example, the NSFNET Backbone service (on AS690) has registered a policy in the document ftp.ripe.net:ripe/drafts/advisory-AS690 . This policy allows any registered route to specify its preferences for AS690 interas-in information for that route. The format for this information is the same as the PRDB "Metric:AS" lists. --------end AS690-specific example --------In the text below, I volunteer RIPE to host a set of documentation files. These files might to turn out to be a bit more dynamic than the RIPE-### documents; they might be modified once in a while. I suggest below that they remain as drafts. If someone would prefer any other kind of representation, or some host place other that RIPE, that would be fine with me too. (ftp.ra.net would be ok; in fact I'd like to shadow many RIPE directories there. But as the founder organization I think ftp.ripe.net would be the most appropriate location. Any AS that wishes to accept route advisory information in this way should register a description of its advisory format with the RIPE NCC. Such advisory descriptions will be stored as RIPE drafts on the directory ftp.ripe.net:ripe/drafts, with names of the form advisory-ASxxx. The content of these drafts may change occasionally as needs change. [something here about an appropriate list to notify when they do change?] > > > > > > > ripe-1nn.txt September, 1994 ============================================================================= proposed for ripe/drafts/advisory-AS690: ============================================================================= Advisory-AS690 Use of the Route Object "Advisory" Attribute for AS690 Dale S. Johnson Document ID: advisory-AS690 [November 2, 1994] The RIPE-181 document describes route objects which are used as part of the Global Routing Registry. The RIPE document "Experimental Objects and Attributes for the Routing Registry" describes an additional "advisory" attribute which may be used by those reposnsible for a route to give routing suggestions to other ASs about how to handle their routes. This document describes the syntax and usage of the route object advisory attribute for AS690 and the NSFNET Backbone Service. The syntax of the route object advisory attribute for AS690 is as follows: advisory: AS690 Metric:AS[(NSS)] [Metric:AS[(NSS)] [Metric:AS[(NSS)] ... ]] This attribute may be included in any route object. AS690 will scan the Global Routing Registry for route objects which include this AS690 advisory attribute. Those route objects which do include this attribute will be specifically added to AS690 import configuration lists. Each metric must be a small positive integer (metrics are usually sequential, starting with one). Each AS must be small integer, indicating the AS number of one of AS690's peers which will announce the route to AS690. If an NSS router is specified, it must be the number of an NSS which is peering with the given AS. Questions and comments are welcomed at merit-ie at merit.edu. -------- Logged at Thu Nov 3 12:02:50 MET 1994 ---------
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