Brainstorm on guarded information
Marten Terpstra
Thu May 19 13:48:22 CEST 1994
Folks, As said yesterday, I have written up some ideas on how to implement the idea of guarded information. I have worked out the current procedure in more detail than others below, simply because we have some experience with it. You will also see this could be the most complicated in a new ripe-81++ type scheme. We feel most for option 3 in the text below. Let's have some discussion. -Marten These are some ideas on how the principle of guarded attributes and objects can be implemented. All of this is in light of the ripe-81++ proposal for the route and autonomous system number. It deals mainly with the interface the guardian will have to the database, and how guarded information will be included in the database. These are very rough ideas. The first thing I want to get a feel of is what direction to go to. Details about implementation are not yet an issue, altough of course we have to keep in mind that whatever procedure we choose it can be implemented ;-) Some general remarks: - up till now, there has been a distinction between guarded attributes and guarded objects. If at all possible we should look for one method that can implemenent both. - we will have to find a balance between what is reasonably easy to implement, operate and usable for guardians. 1- The guarded file method This is basically the method as we have things now. Guarded attributes and objects are dealt with in different ways. Guarded attributes through the once a day examination of the files, guarded objects by means of the authorisation. I can currently see a few disadvantages: - guarded attributes are added only once a day - guarded attributes that change will be removed from normal updates - scaling issues with respect to guardian accounts - guarded objects have to be dealt with differently With the introduction of the route object, some more disadvantages can be found: - in the current inetnum object, the "aut-sys" attribute is optional. That means that whenever an object is send in with an aut-sys different than the current value it can be reset or ignored. Specifically in the case of new entries, the aut-sys will be removed. In the route object however, the "origin" attribute is mandatory. That means that for a new route object the origin cannot be ignored because that would invalidate the object. There is of course a way around that. One way would be to leave the once a day update mechanism and move to an on-the-fly guardian check. That means whenever an object is send in, the referenced guardian file is checked to see if it is allowed, and accepted if OK, bounced if NOK. Then another problem arises, because this means you will have to synchronize the updating of guardian files and the updating of route objects. The file must be updated first before a route object can be added. Some people I spoke with saw this as a problem. Solution for this would be to put the update request on hold if NOK, through some requeing mechanism, and bounce if after a day it still fails. Another solution mentioned was to accept the objects, but keep them hidden, and still do a nightly run to find all these objects and "unhide" them. I am not too fond of either of these solutions, although the requeueing is the best of the two. The complexity for the old but updated guarded file solution could get out of hand quite quickly I would think. 2- Modified guarded files Another solution that keeps the guardian account principle could be to change the format of the guardian file. Why should the guardian file only contain pointers to objects and not the objects themselves. So, in stead of guardians sending in objects and then check the files, they simply keep a file with all their objects on the database machine. On the database machine a daemon would scan around all guardian files every X minutes to find files that have been changed and update the information in that file. There can of course some refinements in the way the file is handled but that does not change the general principle. Advantages in my view are abvious: - definately guarded - no one a night procedure - no difficult checking for the database software - can be refined in many ways - the difference between guarded objects and attributes dissapears Disadvantages: - updates will not be immediate but can take X minutes There may be some other disadvantages, but many of them I can can be resolved by adding refinements to the file(s) the guardian keeps and the way the file is handled for updates. 3- Authentication in updates The perhaps most obvious solution is to do authentication on the updates people send in. In our case there would be some authentication in the mails people send there updates in, or even as far as per object. This could be implemented as simple as a magic string per mail where the string identified the guardian, or more complicated things like PEM or what have you. My vote would be to keep this as light but secure as possible. Obvious advantages: - no need for guardian accounts and files - no special procedures for guardians, they simply send in updates as they always would, just include some magic - less complexity and administration for database maintainer - the difference between guarded attributes and objects dissapears -------- Logged at Tue May 24 12:26:27 MET DST 1994 ---------
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