more comments...
Tony Bates
Wed May 25 17:45:06 CEST 1994
Laurent Joncheray <lpj at> writes: * > Well this is only in the interas-out syntax where we agreed pref made * > no sense for outbound announcements. Too protocol specific. * > The "time to converge" shouldn't be taken as a proposal. * * We agreed on as-out. Not interas-out. * Well then fine - say why we need it. * > * - in the documment 'time to converge' you refer to 'as-transit' and * > * the db selector stuff. Those references disapear in ripe-81++. why? * > * * > It was agreed these would be left to the experimental state stuff and * > I understood these would be written as seperate docs from ripe-81++. * * ^^^ "Tony Bates" i suppose? Definitly not me (lpj). * Well I (yes that means Tony Bates) thought this was the consensus at least. In any case we would not write this part. Please realiase what we have done so far is exactly that - "so far". Now I (yeah that means Tony Bates again) would hope you could suggest how this should be worked into to the document and do the relavent honours with the text. --I -------- Logged at Thu May 26 10:44:17 MET DST 1994 ---------
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