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Tony Bates
Fri Mar 11 14:47:43 CET 1994
------- Blind-Carbon-Copy To: pride-list at From: Tony Bates <Tony.Bates at> X-Phone: +31 20 592 5064 X-Fax: +31 20 592 5090 Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 14:47:43 +0100 Sender: tony at Marten and I have been working on the PRIDE guide for the last two weeks and are about to depart for a weeks vacation and would like to take this chance to get some early comments and feedback to the current draft. Find below a status of the document explaining the type of comments we would like if possible and also the state of the document itself. This is also included with the distributed documentation. Please also read the README that comes with the distributed documentation. All comments gratefully received. Regards, --Tony and Marten. STATUS - ------ This guide is very much a draft and as you will see some chapters are not even filled in as of yet (most notably Chapter 3). However, we are looking for some early feedback. Specifically regarding the big picture rather than things like spelling errors, grammer, etc. The main focus of comments we need are on the general structure, Chapter 4,5,6 and 7, in terms of the contents, layout and what is missing or not particularly clear. We do of course welcome all comments but try to keep the above in mind. The plan is to release the first version of the guide (which will be used to supplement the PRIDE course) within the next 3-4 weeks so your comments at this stage are much appreciated. The guide is available from or We strongly advise everyone to take the postscript version as the text one will not contain the graphics used in the guide. Please send all comments to pride at ------- End of Blind-Carbon-Copy -------- Logged at Mon Mar 21 22:20:05 MET 1994 ---------
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