here's as far we have got.
Daniel Karrenberg
Mon Jun 6 12:07:24 CEST 1994
> jimi at (Jean-Michel Jouanigot) writes: > > Jessica, Tony, Daniel, (probably others) > > Since you are all at the regional-tech, I would propose you try to > agree on: > > 1- We keep the as-in as-out stuff as it is > 2- the interas-in/out will contain the IP router addresses AND the > pref metric in interas-out. > PS: I still do beleive what Gilles suggested (no component) is > sound. > -- > Jean-Michel. We sat and discussed. Here is the outcome as I recall it. I was very tired so it may not be all that accurate in the details. ----------- About as-transit and the experimental doc: All objects about which there is no consensus that they should go into 81++ should be published as "experimental" RR stuff in one separate document called RR extensions or some such. The extensions document will be updated whenever there is a new extension. ripe-81++ shall have text pointing out that possibility and a way to find the newest version of the extensions document. This text is to be proposed by the MERIT folks a.s.a.p. The extensions document should always be a collection of *all* experimental extensions being used. as-transit goes in the experimental doc. Merit writes it up. ---------- About metrics in interas-out. There were two proposals: 1) represent outgoing metric information as a preference similar to the preference in interas-in: 2) represent outgoing metric information in a separate attribute After heated discussion we agreed that the outgoing metric (MED) is to be represented in the interas-out attribute (option 1). The syntax has to be such to prevent confusion between the outgoing preference representing a metric to be generated and the incoming preference representing a static preference in accepting mroutes. The latter is a fundamental concept of the RR which should not be made obscure or confused in any way. They syntax needs to accomodate metric values for different EGPs. As a minimum it must be specified which EGP is used and which of the EGP's metrics will be set. Merit is to propose a syntax a.s.a.p. This is only concerned with generating metrics and not with registering whether and how to use received metrics. While this is sufficient to generate *local* configurations it is not enough for a routing registry. In a routing registry the recipient of such metrics must be able to register whether and how he will use received metrics. Just generating a metric is not enough. Merit is to make a proposal for this at the same time. ------------- The component attribute seems to be too confusing to be useful after all. It has two uses: registering holes and registering information about heterogeneous aggregates. We all agree that registering holes, i.e. parts of a route to which the originator has no connectivity is a good thing. Gilles has proposed a special attribute "hole:" for this to make it clearer. We agreed to use the hole attribute. The other use of component is to register heterogeneuity of routes. Some have argued that membership information (AS, community) is either used in routing or it is not. If it is, one should not aggregate routes with difeerent membership information and create heterogeneous aggregates. If one does not do this, each route will be homogeneous and the hints provided via the component attribute are not needed. Gilles has put this argument very well. If this strategy is used routing and its description in the registry will be very clear. However, we believe that this strategy will not be used exclusively. It hurts aggregation efficiency badly. We strongly believe that some ASes will want to agggregate more agressively, accepting the loss in routing granularity that they and others will suffer as a consequence. In fact We belive that we should encourage such behavior for the sake of routing efficiency and scaling. Once such inhomogeneous aggregates are created and the more speicifc homogeneous routes withdrawn there is no information left about the routing granularity that existed before. The component attribute was designed to provide the originator of heterogeneous aggregates with a way of documenting the heterogenuity. Our expectation is that this would encourage routing efficiency because people would be more confident to aggregate if they had a way to document potential problems. Unfortunately the component attribute is less than clear and authorisation is a problem too. So let us look at another way of doing this: Introduce an attribute "withdrawn:" or "not routed" to the route object in order to specify that the route specified is not really originated. This solves the authorisation problem and is also easier to understand in the first place. The only problem with it is that it may be confusing in the second instance because seeing a route object does not automatically mean that the route described is originated somewhere. This could be solved by using a new object altogether for not originated routes. RIPE folks to make the proposals a.s.a.p. This will be early next week. If we do this the new "hole:" attribute and the "withdrawn:" attribute replace component. The only problem is that we loos the DMZ interface information that used to be in ias-int:. Laurent suggested to use a new "border-router" object for this. The advantage of this obviously is clarity. Everyone understands what a border router and its interfaces are. Merit is to write this up. We agreed to - throw away component (it was overloaded and unclear) - introduce "hole:" - introduce a way to have unannounced routes - either with a new attribute to the route object - or with a new object name altogether - document DMZ interfaces with a "border-router" object Comments ? Daniel -------- Logged at Mon Jun 6 13:46:54 MET DST 1994 ---------
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