Summary of small meeting with merit of the last ripe-81++ issues
Tony Bates
Wed Jul 27 23:37:31 CEST 1994
Here follows the actions and issues resulting from a small meeting today here in Toronto. 1. The optional parts as per Jessica messages would be made clear in the interas-in/interas-out syntax. 2. Jessica will submit the changes to the syntax in the pref-type part to clear up that the pref-type is not fixed in the future. 3. The ordering will be left to Jimi to decide on return but would remain as is in the ripe-81++ draft with the same statement on top whne next sent out. 4. Jessica will send the diffs to 1 and 2 out to rr-impl by Tuesday next week at the latest. 5. Tony will fold these in before the end of that week and send out the new draft. This will be the last changes made other than the possible ordering change. --Tony. -------- Logged at Thu Jul 28 01:55:15 MET DST 1994 ---------
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