Tuesday's questions
Dale S. Johnson
Wed Feb 23 10:20:09 CET 1994
Hi! Some assorted questions today: Can you confirm a couple of impressions? 1) That if we are running without guarded attributes, then there is no code to prevent anyone from changing anything. However, whenever someone does change something that they probably aren't supposed to, a mail message gets sent to the people responsible for that object so the damage can probably be quickly repaired. 2) That when we run with guarded ASs, this really doesn't matter much for nets since the only information about nets that is used in routing is their ASs (and those *are* guarded). I gather Marten would like us to hold off on using the guarded attribute stuff until it is a bit more stable. This would mean that we'd put the first version into production unguarded. Do we have concensus that this is the right way to go for an initial deployment? What is the status of communities? Laurent thought that they had been announced as operational for Feb 7 (or some such). Is "rash" something you'd recommend we use? Is the code available? We'd like to look at what would be required to add new attributes for Merit purposes to our copy of the db. Presumably we'd need to strip these out of the db file that we transfer to you. (Or would your code just ignore new attributes in the .db file that it didn't know about?) Could you suggest just a few sentences of issues we're likely to encounter, code that you know offhand will require changing, things to think about, etc? And a really vague one: How much staff time do you spend "operating" this? (Or, more to the point, any estimates of what we need to budget for operations?) Even though this is a direct-user-input system, there seems to be at least a minimal ongoing load to human process "auth:" requests, set up new accounts, etc. Are there routine issues that come up with the nightly cleandb that end up requiring human involvement? When two ASs claim the same net, do they tend to work that out themselves (based on your automatic "conflict" email), or do you end up participating in the discussion? How much time does the RIPE NCC spend helping new ASs or new net administrators learn the system and get through problems? How often do you have to go in as the administrators and overwrite somebody's data? Do you recommend that Merit time be allocated for searching out incomplete or incorrect information, and contacting people to encourage them to do better at their registrations? (e.g. how much time do you spend doing that? Should that be an operational responsibility of a "remote RIPE" site?) (And all of those activities, I presume, are in addition to figuring out what next months' features ought to be, building concensus with the community, actually coding and testing, answering long-winded questions for friends across the pond, etc. :-) ) Thanks! -Dale -------- Logged at Wed Feb 23 10:20:43 MET 1994 ---------
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