Friday Status Report
Andrew Adams
Fri Feb 18 23:28:24 CET 1994
Hi Guys. We made some more progress today but things went a little slower. We seem to have figured out/understand the guarded attribute and guarded object stuff now. We made a test AS1126 account and created an AS1126 file with the single line After answering out some directory structure questions, we got "dbupdate" to make the change in out pilot db. (We actually pried open dbupdate and to figure out the directory structure for guardian files and along the way, discovered some syntax errors in our conf file! The accounts you have up on helped a lot in this effort too!) We also spent time exploring how the system reacts to various "misguided" update attempts, etc. It seems the main problem we have now is getting sendmail straightened out locally in order to enable mailing to auto-dbm. This should happen soon. (sendmail had been disabled on the machine that we're using.) After this is cleared up, I suspect that we'll spend a bit more time playing with things to gain familiarity and then we'll start registering. Thanks for the good info to help us along. -Andy -------- Logged at Fri Feb 18 23:58:09 MET 1994 ---------
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