Status Update
Andrew Adams
Fri Feb 25 22:47:14 CET 1994
Hi all. This is just a quick note to let you all know what we've been doing the past couple of days. We've been spending quite a bit of time becoming familiar with your software - Things like trying to understand what messages get generated (and don't get generated) which operations are legal and which aren't, what the various parameters in the conf file do what file permissions work and don't, etc, etc. It's been fun :-) testing our understanding and playing with your software. We've also been drafting a "New User" document and are beginning to play with adding extensions - that is to say, new objects and attributes. All in all, things are going great. As Elise said earlier, the week of March 7 is looking good for some sort of announcement. -Andy -------- Logged at Fri Feb 25 22:53:21 MET 1994 ---------
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