Progress Today....
Andrew Adams
Wed Feb 16 23:17:46 CET 1994
Well, we made much great progress today installing RIPE db stuff on a Merit machine here. Things have gone wonderfully so far. Installation was smooth and we've been playing with adding a few nets, people, ASs, etc to a copy of the ripe.db file using the 'dbupdate' command. Congratulations to you guys for making the software so easy to install! :-) Guess this means that we probably won't need a conference call tomorrow! So having gone though all this today, do you think we're ready to play with the "guarded object" stuff? A more specific question concerns the MAILTXT lines in the conf file. It's not clear from the comments that precede those lines how exactly they should look. Where are the $ variables defined? Thanks a lot. Andy -------- Logged at Thu Feb 17 12:17:32 MET 1994 ---------
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