Integrating Support for PGP into RIPE distribution
Tony Bates
Thu Dec 15 13:59:36 CET 1994
Yep - Marten is correct and I already mentioned this. MCI will be also be doing a PGP/other auth mechanism and the plan is to integrate it directly into dbupdate at some point. --Tony. Marten Terpstra <Marten.Terpstra at> writes: * * "Dale S. Johnson" <dsj at> writes * * Hi, * * * * Laurent has PGP working with the RIPE-120 Maintainer object. This see * ms * * like a generally useful feature. Could we get you folks to integrate * * the mods to support this into the RIPE code distribution? * * Sure if it integrates easily. However, from what I saw from the first * version, he put another wrapper around every update, which is * something I do not like. This should be done inside dbupdate. If * Laurent sends me the stuff, I'll try and work it in in a nice way. * * -Marten -------- Logged at Fri Dec 16 23:19:25 MET 1994 ---------
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