"Export dbm" program
Marten Terpstra
Wed Dec 14 12:42:38 CET 1994
* * Yes, you're right that the internal format does not have to be the same * as the external ftp'able exchange format. However, it means that if * you *are* running the RIPE software and you do use a symlink to make * the ftp'able copy be the real internal copy, then you can build a more * responsive system than if you use another approach. [This is another hmm, symlinks do not work in anon ftp (not when the real file is outside the anon ftp chrooted filesystem) and pose more security issues. * > If you want more up-to-date copy of the database, just play the deltas * > to the copy of the database you have locally. * * Yes, this is the best approach for members of the IRR. But if you are * just Joe User and want to do some data analysis, though, it would be * much nicer to just ftp the thing and get the up-to-date copy, rather * than be required to install the portion of the 181 database engine that * knows how to apply the deltas, and to go through that whole initial-plus- * deltas procedure. I agree with Geert Jan here that Joe User would be happy to have average 12 hour old data .... -Marten -------- Logged at Wed Dec 14 17:09:10 MET 1994 ---------
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