Meeting Tonight
Dale S. Johnson
Mon Dec 5 20:27:55 CET 1994
For the GRR meeting at IETF TONIGHT, after the rwhois bof: Here are some potential things to discuss: A) Handling multiple databases. What about "communities", maintainers that span multiple DBs? "Recursive" whois (& other queries)? What DBs should a query return? (hopefull all GRR DBs; I understand whoisd doesn't do this currently). B) Exchange formats: FTP (redoing indexing after each FTP: 8 hrs per day?) FTP (copying existing indexing over?) Realtime global updates? ("Meta-BGP") Synchronizaiton; resynch operations C) Common names for use at all GRRs. (probably not "ripe-dbm") GRR publicity; global RR mailbox? D) Config file generators and other potentially common tools & servers. E) Specific handling of MCI & CANET F) Status of "advisory" attribute. other topics? --Dale -------- Logged at Tue Dec 6 00:27:43 MET 1994 ---------
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