Jessica Yu
Wed Apr 27 22:44:38 CEST 1994
Now, in stead of sending two mails, I may as well answer Jessica's question, and you are right that this is not clear from the doc, but we recognized that an aggregate can be aggregated at multiple places (and legally so, although it may create a policy maintainer's nightmare, and has all sorts of policy implications, but all that is nothing new) and therefore origin CAN contain more than one value. Good. The "single" definition is a RIPE database like definition, which means it can only be one line, but on that line there can be multiple origins. Why not allow multiple lines then? If it is single line with multiple values, what is the devider , a space or a ','? -Marten --Jessica -------- Logged at Wed Apr 27 23:37:32 MET DST 1994 ---------
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