alc tests
Marten Terpstra
Wed Apr 27 13:46:14 CEST 1994
Folks, Today and tomorrow (I'm off on Friday) I will be playing with alc. We have got a server running on, port 7667, with currently only the RIPE database loaded. Although I have seen it dump core a few times, I think most of these were actually caused by wrong modifications to the config file by me. Some early feedback and things to think about [these are mainly operational things]: - the RIPE database supports immediate updates in the whois server. People that send in ASs or networks want to test whether they have done things right almost instantly. Restarting alc every minute or so is currently the only answer, but with 40 seconds to read the RIPE database, this does not look very attractive to me. We may need to think of a way to have alc show a similar behaviour as updating the database (ie almost instantly) - When a DB file is read as a flat file, the alc process is enormously big, almost 15 Mb with only the RIPE database read. This could give some severe performance problems for other services running on the same machine. The answer is simple I know, get another box, but we don't have another box. Reading a DBM index in stead of a flat file reduces the size of alc to around 7 Mb. - aggwalk is works against the test alc server we have running - aggwalk -A <attribute> only shows real attributes as defined in the config, no aliases. So in the RIPE alc server you cannot ask for aut-sys but have to ask for homeas ... That's all for now, I'll get back with more later. -Marten -------- Logged at Wed Apr 27 14:54:34 MET DST 1994 ---------
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