Questoin about keys and DBM files
Marten Terpstra
Thu Apr 7 11:11:13 CEST 1994
Laurent Joncheray <lpj at> writes * How many keys are there in the RIPE dbm file (ripe.db.pag)? * (i tryed to print them and i filled up /tmp :( ) You should probably increase your tmp, the file with all keys is only 3Mb (when produced with showdbm). The current database (8.3Mb) contains 111,097 keys with one or more file offsets in the flat file as value. The maximum number of offsets per key is 100, which is MAXHITS defined in If there are more than 100 offsets for a key, all offsets are removed and replaced by offset -1, which means "too many hits". -Marten -------- Logged at Thu Apr 7 11:34:10 MET DST 1994 ---------
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