Marten Terpstra
Thu Apr 28 12:11:53 CEST 1994
Jessica Yu <jyy at> writes * Now, in stead of sending two mails, I may as well answer Jessica's * question, and you are right that this is not clear from the doc, but * we recognized that an aggregate can be aggregated at multiple places * (and legally so, although it may create a policy maintainer's * nightmare, and has all sorts of policy implications, but all that is * nothing new) and therefore origin CAN contain more than one value. * * Good. * * The "single" definition is a RIPE database like definition, which means it * can only be one line, but on that line there can be multiple origins. * * Why not allow multiple lines then? If it is single line * with multiple values, what is the devider , a space or a ','? I'd like to leave this like the communities and the current routpr and bdrygw, ie spaces, no commas. I think there is no problem with making this one multi line. -Marten -------- Logged at Thu Apr 28 16:33:20 MET DST 1994 ---------
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