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[routing-wg] RIPE 70 Routing WG Agenda
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Rob Evans
rhe at
Tue Apr 21 11:54:15 CEST 2015
Hi all, [I hope you don't receive this twice, my MUA crashed on the first attempt.] Appended is the draft agenda for the working group’s meeting at RIPE 70 in Amsterdam. Of particular note is the selection of the WG co-chair. The current co-chairs, Joao and myself, will stand down during the meetings this year, starting with Joao. Joao has indicated that he will stand again, and following the announcement in the London meeting nobody else has yet come forward. If you would like to be considered, please send an email to: <routing-wg-chairs at> Details of the role of the WG chairs is in RIPE-542: <> The process we plan to use was sent to the list last September: <> I’m aware that the standard of processes in other WGs evolved substantially during the London meeting, and my intention, if the WG agrees, is that if there is convergence amongst other WGs we should consider adopting a similar process. I’d also like to draw your attention to a BoF on Tuesday evening on cross-registry authentication of IRR data which we’ve discussed on the list and at the last couple of meetings. Cheers, Joao & Rob Routing WG Agenda. RIPE 70, Amsterdam. Thursday, 14th May 2015. 14:00-15:30 CEST. Side Room. Parallel with Co-operation WG in the Main Room. A. Administrivia [00:05] Thanks to the scribes and stenographers Approval of minutes from RIPE 69 Agenda bashing Selection of WG co-chair B. The Role of Analytics in Routing, Network Performance and SDN [00:30] Cengiz Alaettinoglu C. bgpdump2: A Tool for Full BGP Route Comparison [00:20] Yasuhiro Ohara D. Latency IPv4 vs IPv6: Understanding the difference [00:20] Alexander Azimov E. RIPE NCC updates on Routing Information Service (RIS) [00:15] Colin Petrie Z. AOB - Feedback from cross-registry authentication BoF
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