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RIS Statistics Report
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Generic RIS account
risops at
Mon Aug 25 12:24:30 CEST 2003
RIS Statistics Report (20030819-20030825) This report was generated at Mon Aug 25 00:15:01 UTC 2003. It analyses the BGP Routing Tables which are collected by RIS Remote Collectors at different locations around the world. Check for more info. o Prefix Distribution RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 APNIC 21951 21934 20735 20465 20813 20512 20612 21583 20661 20269 ARIN 56822 56811 54772 54732 55242 55003 55058 56655 55228 54092 LACNIC 4994 4994 4924 4924 4943 4993 4993 4992 4994 4924 RIPE NCC 36477 19919 19850 19507 35567 19525 19774 19582 20247 19230 OLD 29574 29326 27587 27218 28713 28661 28650 28441 28864 27804 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 RFC1918 12 3 1 6 5 0 0 0 3 0 OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 149830 132987 127869 126852 145283 128694 129087 131253 129997 126319 Distribution of AS numbers wrt RIR and single-homed/multihomed. o RIR summary RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 ARIN 9366 9342 9260 9218 9321 9306 9330 9261 9320 9251 APNIC 1851 1838 1836 1810 1843 1819 1832 1831 1832 1802 RIPE NCC 4776 4750 4753 4732 4762 4727 4753 4727 4744 4722 LACNIC 25 25 23 23 25 25 25 25 25 23 IANA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Private 21 19 10 8 15 10 12 10 15 4 Others 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Total 16042 15975 15883 15792 15969 15888 15953 15855 15937 15803 o Number of single-homed ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 ARIN 2772 2861 3610 5263 3142 3978 3680 5331 3392 4797 APNIC 520 540 672 891 604 768 717 852 659 805 RIPE NCC 1300 1482 1662 2115 1557 2387 1796 2510 1729 2389 LACNIC 11 11 11 14 12 14 14 16 15 11 IANA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Private 15 13 6 4 11 7 7 8 12 2 Others 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Total 4621 4908 5962 8288 5329 7155 6215 8718 5808 8005 o Number of multi-home ASes. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 ARIN 6594 6481 5650 3955 6179 5328 5650 3930 5928 4454 APNIC 1331 1298 1164 919 1239 1051 1115 979 1173 997 RIPE NCC 3476 3268 3091 2617 3205 2340 2957 2217 3015 2333 LACNIC 14 14 12 9 13 11 11 9 10 12 IANA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Private 6 6 4 4 4 3 5 2 3 2 Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 11421 11067 9921 7504 10640 8733 9738 7137 10129 7798 IANA : AS31818 Others: ASError AS! Distribution of AS number wrt Leaf, Transit. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 Leaf 13221 13272 13275 13365 13284 13389 13313 13467 13336 13363 Transit 2723 2610 2517 2339 2589 2412 2549 2303 2511 2347 Transit-only 98 93 91 88 96 87 91 85 90 93 Total 16042 15975 15883 15792 15969 15888 15953 15855 15937 15803 o Average ASPATH length. RIS rrc00 rrc01 rrc02 rrc03 rrc04 rrc05 rrc06 rrc07 rrc08 Avg 6.26 5.81 6.03 5.63 6.61 5.98 6.51 6.18 6.13 5.39 Std 3.19 2.37 3.46 2.45 3.72 2.25 4.01 2.22 2.32 2.35 o List of martians appeared during the week. Prefix Origin AS 3320 3320 1716 1716 3320 2200 2200 1716 1716 Number of sessions involving data collection: 310
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