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RE: RIS collector at LINX is UP

Hi Antony

We setup our Session.


> ----------
> From: 	Antony Antony[SMTP:antony@localhost]
> Sent: 	Mittwoch, 26. Juli 2000 18:06
> Subject: 	RIS collector at LINX is UP
> Hi,
> RRC01 is up and running now. Thanks for all those who 
> offered sessions to RIS collector RRC01. There are only 
> few  sessions up at this moment. If your session is 
> established  please ignore rest of the mail. 
> If you haven't setup your end please configure it.
> Our end details are 
> IP Address:
> AS Number:         12654
> Contact:           rispeering@localhost 
> Contact Persons:   Antony Antony, 
> Phone:             +31 20 535 4444 
> FAX:               +31 20 535 4445     
> Please announce  any route you are announcing at LINX.
> * Policy:     The RIS Peering policy is that we peer with anyone accept
>               all routes, RRC will  not announce any routes. 
>               No  traffic will be send to peers via routes 
>               learned by the collector  
> Drop me a mail  when your end is configured.
> best regards,
> -antony

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