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Re: [ripe-pdp] Current policy process

> - RIPE does not have an advisory council.

or at least not formally.  neither does apnic.  you might look at
how a policy process that is becoming more similar to arin's works
without the advisory council

> -- Should we make a new such - or should we re-use a subset of
> the working group chairs (sort of like the IETF IESG style)

if you must have one, it should not include wg chairs.
concentration of power does not imply concentration of clue

> - in the Arin process the board of trustees has an active part in
> reviewing the policy and adopts or rejects the policy.

as it does in apnic, lacnic, ...  at least in my culture, policy is
the only thing a board really is supposed to do.  anything else is
micro-management.  they're the ones who face the court or whatever.


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