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[ripe-pdp] PDP In the RIPE region

A small question, (or input?) for my understanding : 
Do we need only to document the existing PDP or do we need 
to improve the process, document it and of course aprove it?

My  feeling is that to day a formal aproval is not something
very clear in the RIPE region. 
It relies sometimes on assesment from the working group chair, based on his personal feeling that the consensus is 
there, sometimes without any final documented draft, sometimes on the publication by RIPE-NCC of a new document.
I think it is very difficult for a working group chair alone to take such decision.
I think it is not very appropriate for RIPE-NCC staff members to play this role.

So questions : 
- this formal and not ambigous aproval ... can it relies on the decision from one people or do we need a small group of well defined people able to 
	- verify that an open and transparent process was followed 
	- verify that the policy is well defined and documented
	- verify that there is consensus
 and formaly declare that the decision is made and instruct the RIPE-NCC to apply it in  a clear way and timeframe ?
- If we are needing such body how to select those people, how to insure that those people are representative of members 
and are able to take into account the input from  the whole community?
How to insure that this process remains effective and sufficiently reactive and that we have not blocking points?

I think that if we have no clear and formal PDP for the RIPE region, it will be very difficult to participate in an efficient way in the PDP for global policies.
Best regards

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