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Re: DANTE CERT Service

In message Mon, 5 Dec 94 17:29:30 GMT,
  "Harald.T.Alvestrand" <Harald.T.Alvestrand@localhost  writes:

> You are not alone in being surprised.
> The CERT meeting recently felt that the main problem in setting
> up a CERT/CC was finding the right organization to do it, and I
> think they meant finding an organization that all parties could
> feel comfortable with, not that there would be a shortage of
> volunteers.

For task such as this I make a number of arguable statements:
* This is a task which is not restricted to the academic or commercial
bodies, it effects everyone. As such whoever takes on the job must be able
to deal with all relevant bodies and have their confidence.
* Although I like competition, this is not an area which is suitable for
more than one organisation to be involved.
* The job is in the nature of a police force and must have a reasonable
range of powers (although at this stage the range of powers needs some
thought). As such one wonders whether some governmental organisation should
take on the task. Perhapse the EU should take an interest.
* I am not at all sure that this is an area where volunteers are needed. We
need guaranteed action which suggests permanent staff although ideas and
suggestions from the volunteer side would no doubt be welcome.
* As this is a somwewhat legal area I wonder whether this should be funded
from governments or through the EU. Funding through UKERNA, DFN, TERENA et
al does not seem appropriate since they do not represent the commercial
sector. It may be better funded (if government funding fails) through site
membership from those who wish to take advantage of the service.


> Is DANTE the right organization for the job?
> Or (a more positive note) is DANTE the right organization to
> do the collection of money and subcontract the actual work
> to another organization taht all parties trust to do the
> (necessarily sensitive) coordination service right?
> I keep the long CC list, but would like to see it shortened
> during the discussion...
>        Harald T. Alvestrand
Paul Bryant. Rutherford Lab, Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0QX, GB
Tel. +44 235 445 267  Fax. +44 235 446 626

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