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Re: DANTE CERT Service

>   ...well, from the point of view of the customers "asking" DANTE to
>   provide this service, it's probably a coordinated action, isn't it?

If this is the case, that's fine with me. However, I've spoken to too
many people being surprised by the DANTA announcement, so it didn't
appear *that* coordinated.

>   I fully agree with your line of thoughts! 
>   However the trust aspect and confidentiality somehow contradicts the
>   idea of putting up a (commercial) tendering process..

It's not necessarily more commercial than the DANTE offering. At least,
it will give interested parties a chance to participate on equal terms.

>   Or have TERENA do the "tendering" (more like asking for qualified
>   volunteers) and then provide the financial clearinghouse? 

That's what I thought would happen, and such a Call for Tender has indeed 
been prepared by TERENA, as far as I know,  which has given me the feeling
that the TERENA activity in that area was pre-empted by DANTE's announcement 
of a service. Maybe somebody from TERENA and/or DANTE cares to comment about 
that? At least one of your customers is a bit confused about these semi- or
fully-parallel CERT/CC activities, so please clarify the situation!



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