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ANNOUNCEMENT: Dinner 20th RIPE Meeting


			20th RIPE Meeting Dinner
		    Thursday, January 26th, 1995 

			Venue:  Haesje Claes
                                Spuistraat 273-275
			Time:   20:00

  Last date for reservations:   Friday 20th January 1995

The RIPE Evening Dinner will be held in the "Haesje Claes". This restaurant
is a traditional Dutch restaurant with a history dated back to 1520.  

Below is our traditional Dutch dinner (sort of). If you want to attend 
this dinner, please would you complete the form below and we will make the 
reservation for you. 

Please note that it will NOT be possible to attend the dinner without 
first making a reservation. This time we are limited to specific number 
of places and we have to let the restaurant know how many of each
dish to prepare.

If you would like to bring a guest with you, they are very welcome, but 
please complete a separate form for them. 

See you at the dinner,

David Kessens

PS. New forms can be obtained from :



    by using :

    finger dinner@localhost


    by using the form provided at the end of this mail.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The menu for the dinner is as follows:  


			    Aperitif Drink


			     Smoked eel 

             Mushrooms fried with sweet pepper and onions


                   Fried salmon fillet lobstersauce


                         Tournedos peppersauce


               Appledumpling with cinnamon ice and sauce


                          Dutch cheese plate


		          Coffee and bonbons


                *Cost of the dinner will be DFL 70,- 
     *Please note that the price of the dinner includes 3 drinks/person. 

Please reply to dinner@localhost if you would like to have a place 
reserved for you at the dinner.  Unfortunately you will not be able to
attend without prior registration, so please let us know asap. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - --

                   20th RIPE Meeting, Amsterdam 
                          Evening Dinner
                        26th January, 1995 


1)  Your name

    # NAME   [                                                         ]

2)  Your e-mail address 

    # EMAIL  [                                                         ]

3)  Please indicate if you are a vegetarian or have special dietary needs. 
    If yes please enter Y in the box below.
    If no please enter N in the box below.

    # SPECIAL_DIET [ ]

    Please indicate the diet you need :
    You can use more lines as long the description starts and ends with
    a bracket. 
    (I am a vegetarian so don't worry you lonely vegeatrians out there ;-))

    # SPECIAL_DIET_DESCRIPTION [                                          ]

4)  Please specify your starter with an "S" or an "M" in the brackets.
    S = Smoked eel 
    M = Mushrooms fried with sweet pepper, onions and pepper

    # STARTER [ ]

5)  Please specify your main course with an "F" or "T" in the brackets.
    F = Fried salmon fillet lobstersauce
    T = Tournedos peppersauce

    # MAIN_COURSE [ ]


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