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Fw: Re: DANTE CERT Service

>Claus Kalle Kalle@localhost:
>> My impression is that the role of providing neutral ground for
>> organizations like CERTs should/can be taken over by federations
>> like EurOpen for Europe and the respective national groups like
>> EurOpen.SE (Sweden), GUUG (Germany), NLUUG (The Netherlands) & UKUUG
>> (United Kingdom) and the others.
>Would that really be a good idea? Those organisations are to my
>knowledge purely Unix oriented. Would they be very interested in
>pursuing security problems with VAX/VMS, MS Windows and MacOS? No, it
>has to be an independent organisation. Actually, it shouldn't even be
>related to networking, but to *computing*!
>				Best regards,

>				  /Liman
Having been round most of the organisations in our empires perhapse we
should think again about government ones? Some the activities we are
interested in are illegal so perhapse this also points to police/government
or some combination. If it were at that level the funding would not be from
the likes of ourselves. Paul.
Paul Bryant. Rutherford Lab, Chilton, Didcot, OX11 0QX, GB
Tel. +44 235 445 267  Fax. +44 235 446 626

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