Re: providing connectivity to the Internet

> There will be a 'European Science Media Conference' at CERN on Dec. 1-2 1993
> where about 150 journalists of (mostly european) scientific newspapers and
> magazines will participate.
> We 'd like to show them the advantages of using multimedia electronic mail
> in their daily work but they need to know how to get Internet connectivity
> to transfer their messages.
> As there are several service providers today I would like to make a list
> of those who want to reply to me with their contact and pricing information.
> Name, address, country where the company operates and charges must be
> submitted by Email, fax or paper mail to me before November 20th
> 1993, please. 
> Thanks in advance for your collaboration
>  - Maria Dimou-Zacharova
> responsible for Email
> 1211 Geneva 23
> Switzerland
> tel. +41 22 767 3356
> fax: +41 22 767 7155

Please submit an e-mail address where I can send the information
regarding SwipNets UUCP-service.

--Olle F. Wallner