Re: RIPE DNS Hostcount July 1993

>  Piet.Beertema@localhost writes:
>   *     - DE is getting very close to be the first European country
>   *       to reach 100,000 machines.
>   * With 90478 hosts the UK is also pretty close.
>   * Interestingly, both countries once were X.25
>   * addicts where IP was a curse... :-)
>   * 
> Even more interesting is much (almost all in the UK case) still runs on top
> of X.25 infrastructure. Who says X.25 PLP is redundant (don't answer --
> was a joke from someone who put a lot of the glue in place). 
>   * 
>   * 	Piet
Tony, there are something linke 5 commercial IP providers in the UK and 
I'm not aware of them using X.25 in a large scale at all. Not all the UK
is JIPS....

In any case we should all keep in mind that the domain counts do not 
necessarily have anything to do with the actual number of hosts in a country.
