ACM Multimedia'93

Enclosed please find detailed hotel and conference registration information
for ACM Multimedia '93, plus the advance program.

Sincere apologies if you get multiple copies of this note (since this
has been mailed to multiple mailing lists).  If you do not want to be
in multimedia related mailing lists, please send a message to:

 ************************** ACM MULTIMEDIA 93 ****************************

                    (co-located with SIGGRAPH 93) 
                   1-6 August 1993, Anaheim, California

General Chair: J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves,
               University of California, Santa Cruz and SRI International

Steering Comm. Chair: E.A. Fox, Virginia Poly. Inst.   State Univ.
Program Chair: P.V. Rangan, University of California, San Diego  

*********************** REGISTRATION INFORMATION *************************

REGISTRATION FORM                        SIGGRAPH 93 and Multimedia 93

Identification. Your badge will read exactly as shown here.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _      _ _ _ _            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
First name                     Middle initial     Last name

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _        _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Job title                            Telephone (area code, number

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Street address

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
City                       State/province      Postal code     Country

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  ______________________________
Fax                                        Email

_ _ _ _ _ _ _     _ _ _ _ _ _ _       ____Non-member(NM)  ____Student (SM)
ACM or SIG        IEEE Member #                              Must attach a
                                                             copy of ACM
                                                             Membership card
                                                             or valid student


l. Complete both sides of this form.
2. Enclose payment
   See the page opposite the table of contents for what's included in your
   registration.  Fees are shown on the other side of this form.  Checks and
   money orders ($US) should be made payable to "ACM SIGGRAPH 93".  No forms
   are processed without accompanying payment.  Payment must equal the 
   amount indicated at the bottom of the other side of this form.
   Refund requests must be made in writing and postmarked on or before 
   12 July.  There is a processing fee of $50. 
3. Mail or fax before the deadline       25 June Early registration discount
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~       ~~~~~~~
                                         l2 July Advance registration
   Registration forms received after l2 July cannot be processed in time for
   the conference.  For registration received after 12 July, you are required 
   to repay your registration fees on site and apply for a refund of the 
   original payment.
   Send form and payment to:
            ACM SIGGRAPH 93
            P.O. Box 953l6
            Chicago, IL 60694-53l6 USA
   Or fax both sides of this form with credit card information to :
   For more information, call:
            SIGGRAPH 93
            Conference Management
4. Fax early
   If you pay by credit card, you may fax your registration form.  Both sides
   of your completed registration form must be faxed to process your
   registration.  Keep a copy of your fax transmission report to verify that
   your fax was received by SIGGRAPH in the event there is a problem.
   It is strongly recommended that you fax your registration well in advance
   of the Friday, 25 June early registration discount deadline.  Heavy fax
   volume is expected at this time and SIGGRAPH 93 is not responsible for
   faxes not received due to busy phone lines.

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
 ___ Do not include my name or address on any published list of attendees.(NL)
 ___ Do not include my telephone number on any published list of attendees.(PL)

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
   If, due to a disability, you have special needs or requirements, please 
   let us know in the space provided below, and we will do our best to 
   accomodate you.


Registration Form Continued           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                      Full name

~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~
Multimedia papers/panels (Wednesday - Friday)
   Includes Multimedia papers/panels, papers/panels reception; exhibition;
   and one copy of the "Multimedia 93 Conference Proceedings".
   Fees  Postmarked             Member      Non-Member   Student
         on or before 25 June     $275           $370       $l05
         after 25 June             345             4l5       l40

Multimedia plus (Tuesday - Friday)
   Includes Multimedia and SIGGRAPH papers/panels, papers/panels reception;
   exhibition; one electronic theater ticket; and one copy of the "Multimedia
   93 Conference Proceedings".
   Fees  Postmarked             Member       Non-Member   Student
         on or before 25 June     $370            S495       S185
         after 25 June             460             550        235 
MULTIMEDIA REGISTRATION FEE                                       -----------
                                                                  |         | 
Electronic Theater
   One ticket per person, not per registration category, is included with 
   Please circle the showing you prefer.  We will attempt to accomodate
   your request.
       Circle one:    Tues. 7:30P PM    Wed. 7:30 PM    Thurs. 7:30 PM

_______ Payment is enclosed.
        Make check or money order ($US) payable to "ACM SIGGRAPH 93".

_____American Express   _____MasterCard   _____Visa
   Number ______________________ Exp. date _______
Name exactly as it appears on the credit card:

                       Total Payment (SUS)  REGISTRATION FEES  __________

Billing address ______________________________________________________


Signature ____________________________________________________________


*************************** HOTEL INFORMATION ****************************

ATI Travel Management is the official housing coordinator for

Reservations at discounted conference rates are available ONLY through

All reservation information should be mailed, or sent by email BEFORE
30 June 1993 to:

		CHICAGO, IL 60611-4267, USA
		FAX: 312.644.6369
		EMAIL: travel.s93@localhost

Confirmations, Cancellations, and Changes:

Reservtions are confirmed by mail. Any cancellations and changes may
be made directly with ATI Travel Management by calling 800.477.7514
(United States and Canada, excluding Illinois) or 312.644.6642; by fax
312.644.6369; or by email: travel.s93@localhost

Special Requirements:

If due to a disability, you have special needs or requirements, please
let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you.


		HOTEL RESERVATION FORM (Please print or type)

NAME:  __________________________________________________________


Street Address:__________________________________________________

City:__________________		State/province:__________________

Postal Code:___________ 		Country:_________________

Area code and phone number:______________________________________

		Fax number:_______________________________________


ATI will do its best to accommodate you at your first hotel choice.
However, in the event that is not possible, please indicate a second

Frist Choice:

Hotel: ______________________________________________

Room Rate: __________________________________________

Second Choice:

Hotel: ______________________________________________

Room Rate: __________________________________________


Please supply the following information for each room required

Arrival Date: ____________________________

Departure Date: __________________________

Single:______  	Double: _________

Rate Requested:____________________

Share Room with:______________________________________


It is necessary to guarantee your first night's stay by credit card.

Credit Card Name: _________________________________________

Credit Card Number: _______________________________________

Expiration Date: __________________________

Signature: ________________________________________________



Hotel                                     Single    Double    Parking
Anaheim Hilton and Towers      (Standard) $115      $127      $6/day self
   714-750-4321                  (Deluxe)  132       143         $8 valet
                                  (Lanai)  l43       154       in/out priv.

Anaheim International Inn*/**               59        59       N/C

Anaheim Marriott                           l09       l09       $5 self
   714-750-8000                                               $12 valet
   HEADQUARTERS HOTEL                                        in/out priv.
   ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

Conestoga Hotel**                           79        85        N/C

Convention Center Inn*                      44        54        N/C

Disneyland Hotel**                         105       115        $10 self
   714-778-6600                                                $13 valet
                                                                in/out priv.

Doubletree Hotel**                         105       115        $4/day self
   714-634-4500                                                  $6 valet
                                                                 in/out priv.

The Grand Hotel**                           88        94          N/C

Holiday Inn Anaheim**                       77        84          N/C

Hyatt Regency Alicante**                    98       108        $4/day self
   714-750-1234                                                   $8 valet
                                                                 in/out priv.

Inn at the Park                             95         95           $1/hour
   714-750-1811                                                  $7 max/24 hrs.
                                                                  in/out priv.

Jolly Roger Inn                   (Economy) 70         75           N/C
   714-772-7621                    (Deluxe) 80         85

Pan Pacific Hotel**                         85         85         $6/day self
   714-999-0990                                                  $8/day valet  
                                                                   in/out priv.

Plaza Hotel**                               82         82         $4/day self
   714-772-5900                                                    in/out priv.

Quality Hotel                               85         85         $4/day self
   714-750-3131                                                    in/out priv.

Raffles Inn*/**                             54         54          N/C

Sheraton Anaheim**                          99         99          N/C

Stardust Best Western*/**                   44         44          N/C

Travelodge Convention Side                  55         55          N/C

Travelodge Maingate**                       55         55          N/C

*  Includes complimentary continental breakfast
** Includes SIGGRAPH 93 shuttle service 

 **************************** ADVANCE PROGRAM ****************************

   Monday, 2 August 1993: Courses   

Designing Multimedia Environments for Children (Full Day), 
   A.  Druin, Scitex America, and C. Solomon, Wheeling Jesuit College 

Multimedia Systems: A Guided Tour (Full Day),
   B. Furht, Florida Atlantic Univ., and M. Milenkovic, IBM 

Concept of Color, Video, and Compression (Full Day),
   C.A. Poynton, Sun MCC, D. Farber, Sonrisa, E.F. Morrison, Ampex Corp. 

   Tuesday, 3 August 1993: Courses   

Survey of Formal Standards for Multimedia Systems (Full Day), 
   B.J. Shepherd (Organizer), IBM Corp. 

Copyright Protection for Software, Graphics, and Multimedia  (Half Day),
   P. Samuelson, Univ. of  Pittsburg 

Multimedia and Multimodal Parsing (Half Day),  
   K. Wittenburg, Bellcore 

Structured Design of Hypermedia Applications (Half Day), 
   F. Garzotto and P. Paolini, Politecnico di Milano 

Large Multimedia Databases (Half Day)  
   R. Jain, Univ. of  California, San Diego 

   Wednesday, 4 August 1993   

   10:15-12:00 Noon: Keynote Session   
   Chair:  J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, UC Santa Cruz   SRI Int'l 
   Keynote Speaker:  Trip Hawkins, President  and CEO,  The 3DO Company  

   1:30-3:15 PM: Communication Protocols    
   Chair:   H. Terada, Osaka University 
Optimistic Strategies for Large-Scale  Dissemination of  Multimedia
R. Yavatkar,  L. Manoj, Univ. of  Kentucky   

MCAM: An Application Layer Protocol for Movie Control, Access, and
R. Keller,  W. Effelsberg, Univ. of  Manheim   

Synchronous Bandwidth Allocation in  FDDI Networks,
Q. Zheng,  K.G. Shin, Univ. of  Michigan 

   1:30-3:15 PM, Panel:  Digital Libraries of the Future   
   Chair:   E.A. Fox, Virginia Poly. Inst.   State Univ.  

   3:30-5:00 PM: Compression and Coding  
   Chair:  G. Wallace, The 3DO Company 
Real-Time Software-Based Video Coder for Multimedia Communication Systems, 
   H.C. Huang, J.H. Huang,  J.L. Wu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan 

Performance of a Software MPEG Video Decoder,
K. Patel, B.C. Smith, and L.A. Rowe, University of  California, Berkeley 

Transform Coding of Arbitrarily-Shaped Image Segments,
S.F. Chang and D.G. Messerschmitt, University of  California, Berkeley 

   3:30-5:00 PM: Content-Based Retrieval  
   Chair:   P. Mantey, Univ. of  California, Santa Cruz 
Salient Video Stills: Content and Context       
L. Teodosio and W. Bender, MIT Media laboratory   

Facial Image Retrieval, Identification, and Inference System
J.K. Wu, Y.H. Ang, P. Lam, K. Moorthy, and A.D. Narasimhalu, ISS,
National University of  Singapore, Singapore    

A Multimedia Mineral Retrieval System  
D. Cakmakov and D. Davcev, Kiril and Metodij University, Macedonia. 

   Thursday, 5 August 1993  
   8:30-10:15 AM: Communication Systems  
   Chair:  J.R. Cox, Washington Univ.
High-Bandwidth Multimedia Conferencing through a Long-Haul Packet
C. Elliott, BBN Systems and Technologies 

Media Scaling with HeiTS,
L. Delgrossi, C. Halstrick, D. Hehmann, R.G. Herrtwich, O. Krone, J.
Sandvoss, C. Vogt, IBM European Networking Center, Germany 

A Multimedia Client to the IBM LAN Server,
M. Baugher, S. French, A. Stephens, I. Van Horn, IBM LAN Systems 

The Vidboard: A Video Capture and Processing Peripheral for a
Distributed Multimedia System,
J.F. Adam and  D.L. Tennenhouse, MIT Laboratory  for Computer Science 


   8:30-10:15 AM: Hypermedia  
   Chair:   I. Ritchie, Owl International 
An Introduction to the Future MHEG International Standard for
Hypermedia Object  Interchange,
R. Price, CER IBM-France, France 

HyOctane: A HyTime Engine for an MMIS,
J. F. Koegel, L.W. Rutledge, J.L. Rutledge, and C. Keskin, University
of  Massachusetts, Lowell  

Open Architecture for Multimedia Documents,
B.R. Gaines, University of Calgary, Canada  

   10:30-12:00 Noon: Media Synchronization  
   Chair:  J.O. Limb, Hewlett Packard
A Synchronization and Communication Model for Distributed
Multimedia Objects,
N.U. Qazi, M. Woo, and A. Ghafoor, Purdue Univ. 

Synchronization Models for Multimedia Presentation with User
B. Prabhakaran and S.V. Raghavan, Indian Institute of Technology-Madras  

Specification of Multimedia Composition and a Visual Programming
S. Eun, E.S. No, H.C. Kim, H. Yoon, S.R. Maeng, Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology   

   10:30-12:00 Noon, Panel: Networked Multimedia Emerging Software
   Co-Chairs:  R. Pearson, Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.,   
               R.  Aronoff, Sunsoft  

   10:30-12:00 Noon: Multimedia  Toolkits  
   Chair:   M. Brown, DEC Systems  Research Center 

Toolkit for Shared Hypermedia on a Distributed Object Oriented
R. Trehan, N. Sawashima, K. Yamaguchi,  and K. Hasebe, 
Toshiba Research and Development Center, Japan  

CMIFed: A Presentation Environment for Portable Hypermedia
G. van Rossum, J. Jansen, K.S. Mullender, and D.C.A. Butlerman,
Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica, The Netherlands 

Programming the Multimodal Interface,
E.P. Glinert, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,
M.M. Blattner, University of   California, Davis  

   1:30-3:15 PM: Delay-Sensitive Retrieval  
   Chair:   P.B. Berra, Syracuse University 
Multimedia Network File Servers: Multi-Channel Delay Sensitive Data
D.J. Gemmell, Simon Fraser University 

Optimization of the grouped Sweeping Scheduling (GSS) with
Heterogeneous Multimedia Streams,
M.S. Cheng, P.S. Yu, D.D. Kandlur, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center 

Disk Scheduling in a Multimedia I/O System,
A.L. Narasimha Reddy and J. Wyllie, IBM Almaden Research Center 

   1:30-3:15 PM:  Using Video in  Group Collaboration  
   Chair:  J. Rosenberg, Bellcore

What Video Can and Can't Do for Collaboration,
E.A. Isaacs and J.C. Tang, SunSoft 

Where We Were: Making and Using Near-Synchronous, Pre-narrative
S.L. Minneman and S.R. Harrison, Xerox PARC 

Architectures for Multi-Source Multi-User Video Compositing,   
L.C. Yun, University of  California, Berkeley 

   3:30-5:00 PM: Video Processing  
   Chair:   D. DeGroot, Texas Instruments 
Projection Detecting Filter for Video Cut Detection,
K. Otsuji and Y. Tonomura, NTT Human Interface Laboratories, Japan 

MPEGTool: An X Window Based MPEG Encoder and Statistics Tool,   
T. Urabe, H. Afzal, G. Ho, P. Pancha, M. El Zarki, Univerity of  Pennsylvania 

Image Processing on Compressed Data for Large Video Databases,   
F. Arman, A. Hsu,  and M.Y. Chiu, Siemens Corporate Research 

   3:30-5:00 PM, Panel: Multimedia Publishing  
   Chair:  R. Rada, University of Liverpool  

   Friday, 6 August 1993  
   8:30-10:15 AM: Network Performance  
   Chair:   A. Lazar, Columbia University 
Analysis of Video Conferencing on a Token Ring Local Area Network,
S.M. Crimmins, IBM and Duke University 

Algorithms and Performance Evaluation of the Xphone Multimedia
Communication System,
A. Eleftheriadis, S. Pejhan, and D. Anastassiou, Columbia University 

A Performance Analysis of the IBM Subsystem Control Block
Architecture in a Video  Conferencing Environment,
K. Huynh, IBM Corp. and T. Khoshgoftaar, Florida Atlantic University 

   8:30-10:15 AM: Authoring   
   Chair:  P. Dewan, Purdue University 

Object Composition and playback Model for Handling Multimedia Data,
R. Hamakawa and J. Rekimoto, NEC Corp., Japan 

Structured Multimedia Authoring,
L. Hardman, G. van Rossum, D.C.A. Bulterman, Centrum voor Wiskunde en
Informatica, The Netherlands  

A Multimedia Testbed,
V. de Mey and S. Gibbs, Universite de Geneve, Switzerland 

   10:30-12 Noon: Documents  
   Chair:   E. Hoffert, Apple Computer 

Synchronization in the MAEstro Multimedia Authoring Environment,
G.D. Drapeau, Stanford University 

Automatic Temporal layout Mechanisms,    `
M.C. Buchanan  and P.T. Zellweger, Xerox PARC  

CircusTalk: An Orchestration Service for Distributed Multimedia,
Y.S. Gutfreund, J. Diaz-Gonzales, R. Sasnett, and V. Phuah, GTE

   10:30-12 Noon, Panel: The Future of Video Dial Tone:   
   Chair:   Gene Miller, NYNEX 

   1:30-3:15 PM: Video Servers  
   Chair:  S. Christodoulakis, Technical University of Crete 

News On-Demand for Multimedia Networks,
G. Miller, NYNEX, G. Baber, and M. Gilliland, Dow Jones 

Streaming RAID: A Disk Storage System for Video and Audio Files,
F.A. Tobagi, J. Pang, R. Baird, and M. Gang, Starlight Networks 

Multi-resolution Video Representation for Parallel Disk Arrays,
T. Chiueh, State University of  New York 

   1:30-3:15 PM: Information Access  
   Chair:  F. Golshani, Arizona State University 

Panoramic Overviews for navigational Real-World Scenes,
L. Teodosio, Media Lab, M. Mills, Apple Computer 

Design of an Information Skimming Space,
M. Ohkubo, N. Kobayashi, and T. Nakagawa, NTT Human Interface
laboratories, Japan  

Phoneshell: The Telephone as a Computer Terminal,
C. Schmandt, MIT Media Laboratory 

   3:30-5:00 PM: Collaboration Systems  
   Chair:  S. Ahuja,  AT T Bell Laboratories 

CECED: A System for Informal Multimedia Collaboration,
E.J. Craighill,, R. Lang, K. Skinner, and M. Fong, SRI International 

Collaborative Multimedia Scientific Design in SHASTRA,
V. Anupam and C.L. Bajaj, Purdue University 

The BERKOM Multimedia Collaboration Service,
M. Alternfofen, DEC CEC, et al.  

   3:30-5:00 PM: Support for Video Applications  
   Chair:  G. Davenport, MIT Media Lab 
Integrating Video into an Application Framework,
P. Schnorf, Canon Information Systems 

VideoScheme: A Programmable Video Editing System for Automation and Media 
J. Matthews, Dartmouth College, P. Gloor, MIT, F. Makedon, Dartmouth College 

A Digital On-Demand Video Service Supporting Content-Based Queries,
T.D.C. Little, R.J. Folz, F.W. Reeve, D.H. Schelleng, and
S.D. Venkatesh, Boston University