Interop Europe Volunteers wanted

------- Forwarded Message

Date:     7 May 1993 19:13:25 +0100
From:     "Claude Kiennert" ckiennert@localhost
Sender:   listserv@localhost
To:       noceur93@localhost
Subject:  Volunteers

                       Subject:                               Time:18:26
  OFFICE MEMO          Volunteers                             Date:7/05/93
As I told you during our first meeting, we are looking for volunteers to help
us to build the network in the warehouse during the hotstaging and, mainly, in
the CNIT to install, tear-down and help us to operate the network during the

A working knowledge of the English language is necessary.

I would appreciate if you could propagate this information around you. 

You can communicate them  my name, phone number (+33 1 46 39 56 71) 
and email address (ckiennert@localhost)

We have a special mailing list for the volunteers. The mail address is:

Thanks for your help


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