Re: Caching in Europe?

On Fri, 30 Apr 93 13:47:58 +0200 you said:
>I haven't seen the figures, but some of the traffic from Switzerland
>comes from
>The Swiss Academic and Research network operates a fairly large anon FTP
>server which mirrors many of the well known archives.
>In March 93, about 3.2 GByte of a total consumption of 20 GByte went into
>the direction of the NSFnet backbone. Most certainly a large amount of
>that volume was made with files we got through the NSFnet.

Below is an extract from the April Internet Hunt results:

   Country         Bytes    Bytes     % In   % Out  Gigs    Ratio
                   In       Out                     Recv    Out:In
                   To BB    From BB

   Hong Kong       1.9E+09  1.5E+10   0.04   0.29    14    7.986719
   Greece          3.6E+08  2.1E+09   0.01   0.04     2    5.881365
   Korea           2.1E+09  1.2E+10   0.04   0.24    12    5.827162
   Singapore       3.1E+09  1.7E+10   0.06   0.33    16    5.423357
   Brazil          1.0E+09  5.4E+09   0.02    0.1     5    5.268544
   Ireland         5.8E+08  3.0E+09   0.01   0.06     2    5.105389
   Poland          4.8E+08  2.3E+09   0.01   0.04     2    4.808341
   Israel          3.4E+09  1.5E+10   0.07    0.3    15    4.506155
   Czechoslovakia  9.7E+08  4.4E+09   0.02   0.09     4    4.502612
   Spain           1.5E+09  6.6E+09   0.03   0.13     6     4.46984
   New Zealand     1.2E+09  5.3E+09   0.02    0.1     5    4.294803
   Italy           9.1E+09  3.4E+10   0.18   0.67    34     3.73034
   Belgium         1.6E+09  5.7E+09   0.03   0.11     5    3.641767
   South Africa    1.6E+09  5.6E+09   0.03   0.11     5    3.530957
   Austria         6.5E+09  2.1E+10   0.13   0.41    20    3.238235
   Hungary         3.4E+08  1.1E+09   0.01   0.02     1    3.172214
   United Kingdom  3.3E+10  1.0E+11   0.64   2.01   102    3.120415
   Mexico          3.8E+09  1.1E+10   0.07   0.21    10    2.765493
   Canada          8.4E+10  2.3E+11   1.64   4.51   230     2.75814
   Germany         3.6E+10  9.7E+10   0.71   1.89    96    2.682364
   Norway          1.0E+10  2.7E+10    0.2   0.53    26    2.652069
   Chile           1.2E+09  3.3E+09   0.02   0.06     3     2.62276
   Taiwan          1.2E+10  3.0E+10   0.23   0.58    29    2.486676
   Portugal        9.3E+08  2.3E+09   0.02   0.04     2    2.476198
   Puerto Rico     7.9E+08  1.5E+09   0.02   0.03     1    1.938452
   Japan           1.2E+10  2.4E+10   0.24   0.46    23    1.923033
   Sweden          3.1E+10  5.2E+10    0.6   1.02    52    1.686067
   France          3.8E+10  6.0E+10   0.73   1.17    59    1.594334
   Australia       4.5E+10  6.1E+10   0.88   1.19    61    1.353244
   Netherlands     2.7E+10  3.6E+10   0.54    0.7    35    1.311529
   Switzerland     4.0E+10  3.8E+10   0.77   0.75    38    0.968221
   Denmark         1.5E+10  1.4E+10   0.28   0.27    13    0.934667
   United States   4.7E+12  4.1E+12  90.89  80.93  4143    0.890443
   Finland         4.0E+10  2.5E+10   0.79    0.5    25    0.628287

I would be interested in hearing details of the FTP archive servers
being run at Switzerland/Denmark/Finland.  How many gigabytes?
How many files requested per month?  What is the average size of
a file requested?  Which file is requested most often?  What
percentage is local requests?  What percentage is European
requests?  What percentage is non-European requests?  Which
systems do you mirror files for?

You get the general idea.
