JENC4 Preliminary Programme - please use this version

     - 4TH Joint European Networking Conference -
     Trondheim, Norway, May 10-13, 1993
     Organized by RARE (Reseaux Associes pour la Recherche
     Europeenne) in cooperation with:
        o ACM SIGCOMM
        o EARN
        o EUnet/EurOpen
        o IFIP TC6
        o Internet Architecture Board
        o Internet Society
        o NORDUnet
        o UNINETT
     Preliminary Programme (version 1.2)
     Monday, May 10
       01 14:00-15:00 Opening Session
        - Welcome Addresses
        - Keynote Address: Horst Huenke - CEC, Counsellor DG XIII-C
       02 15:30-17:30 Building The European Research Network:
                      Alternative Views
        - A number of speakers, involved with strategic and political
          aspects of international networking, will address the
          following question:
          "If you could build European Academic Networking from
          scratch - how would you do it?"
     Tuesday, May 11
       03A 9:00-10:30 Design Cornerstones of the US National Research
                      and Education Network (NREN)
        - NSFNet Evolution Plans / Jane Caviness - National Science
          Foundation, US
        - NREN Research Directions / Paul Mockapetris - DARPA, US
        - Using ATM/SONET for the Scientific Community / Tony
          Villasenor - NASA, US
       03B 9:00-10:30 Lower Layer Protocols
        - The European CLNS Pilot / Victor Reijs - SURFnet, NL
        - Experiences with the DQDB-pilot at the Leibniz-
          Rechenzentrum (LRZ) in Munich / Victor Apostolescu - LRZ,
        - XTP over ATM /Ingvild Sorteberg & Oivind Kure - Norwegian
          Telecom Research, Norway
       03C 9:00-10:30 Working Group Session
       04A 11:00-12:30 New European Infrastructure: A Status Report
        - The Operational Unit / Klaus Ullmann - Chairman OU Steering
          Ctee, DFN, Germany
        - EBONE / Frode Greisen - EBONE General Manager, UNI-C,
        - EUROPAnet - The implications of a multi-protocol backbone /
          Dai Davies - Director COSINE Project Management Unit, NL
       04B 11:00-12:30 Security Services
        - Implementing and Proving Security Services for the
          RARE/COSINE Community / M. Purser & S. Barry - Baltimore
          Technologies, Ireland
        - Piloting Applications of Security Services / Peter Kirstein
          et al - University College London, UK
        - Piloting Security Services for German University
          Administrations / M. Pattloch et al - DFN, Germany
       04C 11:00-12:30 Working Group Session
       05A 14:00-15:30 Policy, Funding & Legal Issues
        - SuperJANET - The Gestation of a High Performance National
          Research Network / Bob Cooper - Joint Network Team, UK
        - EZ-REMOTE Service Benefits and Costs / Martyne M. Hallgren
          - Cornell University, US
        - Directory Services and Privacy Issues / Erik Huizer et al -
          SURFnet, NL
       05B 14:00-15:30 Multimedia Services and Support
        - Service and Protocol Implications of Multimedia Support in
          BISDN / Flavio Bonomi et al - AT&T Bell Laboratories, US
        - Piloting of Multimedia Services / Peter Kirstein et al -
          UCL, UK
        - Using X.400 for Document Delivery / Bill Tuck - IT Research
          Consultant, UK
       05C 14:00-15:30 Global Interconnection and Coordination
        - GIX - The Global Internet Exchange / Bernhard Stockman -
          Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
        - The RIPE NCC: A Year of Experience with European Internet
          Coordination / Daniel Karrenberg et al - RIPE NCC, NL
        - Policy Routing and Type of Service Routing: What are the
          Users' Requirements and what can we provide them with?/ R.
          Najmabadi Kia & Bernard Sales - Universite Libre de
          Bruxelles, Belgium
      06A 16:00-17:30 Support for the Development of User
        - Reaching out to the End-user: Applications, Services and
          Support / Erik Huizer et al - SURFnet, NL
        - A Review of the Commercial Internet in Europe / Peter Dawe
          - PIPEX, UK
       06B 16:00-17:30 Accessing and Using the Directory
        - X.500 for Non-Technical Users / T. Plagemann & B. Plattner
          - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
        - Information System using OSI Directory Service / Shigeki
          Yoshida - University of Tokyo, Japan
        - A Hierarchical Directory based X.400 MHS Server / Hossam
          Afifi - INRIA, France
       06C 16:00-17:30 Working Group Session
     Wednesday, May 12
       07A 14:00-15:30 New User Communities and Services
        - The UNINETT SAMSON project 1992 / Peter Hausken -
          University of Oslo, Norway
        - MUNIN - A System for Distance Education and Remote
          Collaboration based on Real Time Multimedia Communication
          over IP Networks / Geir Pedersen - University of Oslo,
        - WAN to the Home: Data Communication over CATV Networks /
          Ton Verschuren - SURFnet, NL
       07B 14:00-15:30 Using the Directory for Network Management
        - Mapping Communication Networks in the Directory / Glenn
          Mansfield et al - AIC Systems Laboratory, Japan
        - Large Scale Network Management Databases in X.500 / Peter
          Sylvester - INRIA, France
        - Accessing and Managing DNS Information in the X.500
          Directory / Antonio Costa et al - Universidade do Minho,
       07C 14:00-15:30 Working Group Session
       08A 16:00-17:30 Network Operation and Management
        - The OSI based management approach to integration of
          management systems in multi-protocol LANs. A case study /
          M. Stroinski et al - Technical University Poznan, Poland
        - NLMP: an Architecture for the OSI Lower Layers Management /
          M. Colin & Bernard Sales - ULB, Belgium
        - Monitoring EARN Networking Services / Daniele Bovio &
          Gregory Lloyd - EARN, France
       08B 16:00-17:30 Networks in Support of Mobility
        - Reaching Off-Campus and Mobile Users / Jim Morrison - Open
          University, UK
        - Comparison of Mobile Host Protocols for IP / Andrew Myles -
          Macquirie University, Australia
        - The Problem of Providing Continuous Network Access for
          Mobile Hosts Using the Internet Protocol (IP) / Charles E.
          Perkins - IBM, US
       08C 16:00-17:30 Working Group Session
     Thursday, May 13
       09A 9:00-10:30 Network Operation
        - OSI Packet Filtering Study / Walter Lazear - The Mitre
          Corp., US
        - Study of Network Dynamics / Dheeraj Sanghi et al -
          University of Maryland, US
        - A Fairness Analysis of LAN/WAN Protocol Relays / Edmundo
          Monteiro et al - Universidade do Coimbra, Portugal
       09B 9:00-10:30 Quality of Service Definition and Measurement
        - Design and Utilization of a SNMP: Monitoring Language for
          X.400 Management / Jean-Francois Paccini et al - Universite
          de Geneve, Switzerland
        - COSINE MHS Performance Statistics - Service Measurements
          and Network Management of a Pan-European Messaging System /
          Jim Romaguera - NetConsult AG / COSINE MHS Project Team,
        - TCP/IP Performance on Supernett / Olav Kvittem - SINTEF
          DELAB, Norway
       10 11:00-12:30 Evolution of Existing Networks
        - IP Version 7 / Bob Hinden - Sun Microsystems Inc., US
        - SuperJanet: Applications / John Dyer - Joint Network Team,
       11 12:30-12:45 Closing Session
        - Closing Address / Bernhard Plattner
     At the Conference there will be a demonstration area where
     participants may visit a number of stands to see displays and
     demonstrations of various projects and applications of network
     services for the academic community.
     During the conference, a poster wall will be available for the
     display of posters covering a topic of common interest to the
     participants. Participants are invited to submit a poster of one
     or two A-4 pages, presenting their project. Posters must be
     handed in at the reception desk not later than Monday May 10, in
     the evening. They must contain a clear indication of the
     author's name and affiliation. The Programme Committee will
     select the two best posters, taking into account the quality of
     the project, its presentation and the interest to the networking
     community. One author from each of the two selected projects
     will be offered free admission to next year's conference.
     Stream C in the conference programme will be dedicated to RARE
     Working Groups. During these sessions Working Groups will
     briefly introduce their current activities. Furthermore a number
     of presentations related to Working Group subjects will be
     This year for the first time tutorials will be organized.
     Tutorials will be held at the end of the Conference, on Thursday
     afternoon and Friday morning. The following tutorials are
     scheduled (in parallel):
        - Protocols for Distributed Computing over Gigabit Networks /
          David J. Farber - Univ. of Pennsylvania / Guru M. Parulkar
          - Washington Univ. in St. Louis, US.
        - X.400: its evolution until nowadays, and its current trends
          / Olivier Paridaens - Universite Libre de Bruxelles,
        - SNMP Overview / Daniel Karrenberg - RIPE-NCC, Amsterdam,
          The Netherlands.
        - Managing TCP/IP Network under UNIX / Suleyman Kondakci -
          Centre for Information Technology, University of Oslo,
        - ISODE - The ISO Development Environment / Michael Mueller -
          Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik & Datenverarbeitung, St.
          Augustin, Germany.
     If you are interested to attend one of the tutorials please
     register as soon as possible. Please note that tutorials are not
     included in the conference programme and that a fee of NOK 1200
     per tutorial has to be paid separately.
     The conference will be held at the main campus of the Norwegian
     Institute of Technology, which is located at about 15 minutes
     walking distance from the Trondheim city centre. Banks, post
     office, stores, restaurants and a travel agency are all located
     on the campus.
     In May in Trondheim the weather is usually pleasant. Temperature
     may vary between 8-15 degrees C. Rainy days may occur.
     Trondheim Airport has direct flights to Copenhagen and Stockholm
     and further connections to European and overseas destinations.
     There are frequent domestic flights between Trondheim and the
     international airports in Oslo, Bergen and Stavanger.
     Travelling by train within Norway gives an excellent opportunity
     for sightseeing, and Norwegian trains are of high standard. The
     train journey over the mountains from Oslo to Trondheim takes
     approx. 7 hours. An interesting alternative is to travel to
     Trondheim by coastal boat from Bergen, a journey of
     approximately 30 hours along the rugged Norwegian coastline.
     Your travel agent, or any SAS travel agency, can supply you with
     full details on travel to Trondheim.
     Special conference discount rates for travel by air within
     Scandinavia may be obtained. For more information, participants
     can contact
        Unit Travel Agency
        tel: +47 7 59 67 44
     Concert and Reception - Monday, May 10, 19.00
     You are invited to attend a concert in Nidaros cathedral.
     Following the concert, the Mayor of Trondheim invites you to a
     reception at the Archbishop's Residence, which dates back to the
     12th Century. The Archbishop who lived there was Olav
     Engelbrektsson who was forced to flee from the city in 1537, but
     the charming and elegant residence has been preserved.
        - Free of charge
     Gala Dinner - Tuesday, May 11, 19.30
     We invite you to try the very best of our regional cooking at
     the gala dinner. Traditional dishes using prime Norwegian
     salmon, trout, reindeer, hart and game will be served. During
     the dinner you will be able to enjoy the nice company of friends
     and colleagues, as well as some regional entertainment.
        - Participants: free of charge / accompanying persons: NOK
     Hiking in Bymarka - Wednesday, May 12, 19.30
     A natural wilderness within the city limits, Bymarka is a
     paradise for joggers, hikers and skiers. You and your fellow
     'hikers', accompanied by a guide, will find trails for all
     levels of proficiency and then round off the evening with a meal
     at a mountain lodge. Transport both ways between town center and
     hiking area will be provided.
        - Charge: NOK 310
     Munkholmen Island - Wednesday, May 12, 19.30
     Seafood dinner will be served on the historic island of
     Munkholm, just outside Trondheim. Once a monastery, the island
     became a prison after the Reformation. Nowadays it is a popular
     bathing spot.
        - Charge: NOK 290
     Post-Conference Tour - COASTAL HOLIDAY AT HAAHOLMEN -
     Thursday 13 May - Saturday 15 May
     Sheltered from the ocean among countless islands on the
     Northwest coast of Norway, approximately 5 hours by bus from
     Trondheim, lies the fishing village of Haaholmen. Haaholmen has
     both old and new fishermen's huts with modern conveniences for
     its guests. Staying in these real coastal surroundings you can
     enjoy life on the quay or join in fishing trips and excursions.
     Haaholmen is owned by Ragnar Thorseth from Her y in Norway - a
     modern Viking. Mr. Thorseth is internationally known for his
     round-the-world expedition in the Viking ship Saga Siglar.
     Originally, the island was owned by his grandfather.
     The fishing village Haaholmen has long traditions as a 'meeting
     point' for people travelling along the Northwest coast. The
     village is now re-created as a unique holiday paradise.
     Excellent kitchen naturally specializes in delicious seafood. At
     the quayside you can hire lots of different boats, such as
     rowing boats, motorboats and sailing boats as well as fishing
     Leaving Trondheim on Thursday 13 May at 15.00, we travel by
     coach to the town of Kristiansund. From here we go by boat along
     the coast to Haaholmen. Dinner will be served. On Friday we will
     explore the island of Bjoernsund, located on the South of
     Haaholmen. Dinner will be served on Haaholmen. We are leaving
     Haaholmen after breakfast on Saturday, and you will be back in
     Trondheim on Saturday afternoon.
     It is necessary to bring warm clothes, rainwear and good
     shoes/boots. Transport, accommodation, meals and guide service
     are all included in the price.
        - Charge: NOK 3800 per person
     A special programme has been arranged for accompanying persons
     in addition to the general social programme. Accompanying
     persons are invited to attend the concert and reception on
     Monday, May 10, free of charge. All other social events, as well
     as the Gala Dinner, must be registered and paid for separately.
     Please indicate on the registration form which events you wish
     to attend.
        - Sightseeing in Trondheim - Monday, May 10, 10.00
     This tour includes a guided bus trip in the city centre and
     residential areas, and a guided tour of Nidaros cathedral. Lunch
     will be served at the Tyholt Tower, a revolving restaurant with
     a magnificent view of the city.
        - Charge: NOK 340
        - The mountain town of R ros - Tuesday May 11, 8.30 h.
     R ros is unique! This town is situated 160 km South-east of
     Trondheim and occupies with pride a place on UNESCO's World
     Heritage List. You would be forgiven for thinking you stepped
     back a few hundred years as you wander past the elegant wooden
     houses and tiny miner's cottages, and visit the eighteenth-
     century church which dominates this unspoilt mountain town.
     There will also be time for a visit to the mining museum. A rich
     variety of traditional Norwegian and Lappish handicrafts can be
     found in the many small studios in town. Lunch will be served.
     Travel by coach.
        - Charge: NOK 520
     Rooms have been reserved at several hotels in the centre of
     Trondheim. Prices vary from approx. NOK 495 - 875 for a single
     room with bath, including breakfast.
     If you wish to have a reservation made, please indicate the type
     of accommodation required on the registration form. Rooms will
     be allocated in order of receipt of the registration forms. The
     Secretariat will make the reservation for you at the hotel of
     your choice (as far as possible), and confirmation of your
     reservation will be sent to you in the middle of April. Hotel
     expenses are to be settled directly with the hotel upon
     The registration fee includes the full set of papers as they
     will be presented during the conference, a copy of the
     conference programme, a copy of the special issue of Computer
     Networks and ISDN Systems (to be published in October 1993) in
     which a selected numbers of papers will be published, entry to
     all sessions, refreshments daily, 3 lunches, the Concert on
     Monday, the Welcome Reception, and the Gala Dinner.
     Please note that accompanying persons are free to attend the
     Welcome Reception and the Concert and can book all other events,
     but they may not attend any of the technical sessions.
     Payment must be remitted in Norwegian Kroner - NOK, free from
     all bank charges. Cheques should be made payable to JENC'93 and
     should be sent to the Secretariat in Trondheim together with the
     registration form. Unfortunately we cannot accept credit cards
     or private cheques.
        EARLY Registration Fee 3000 NOK ca. 365 ECU
        LATE Registration Fee 3300 NOK ca.  400 ECU
        DESK Registration Fee 3600 NOK ca.  435 ECU
     The early registration fee applies to all fees received before
     March 29. The late registration fee applies to all payments
     received between April 1 and May 7. DESK registration is only
     possible together with payment. Two banks are located on the
     In case of cancellation before April 31 all fees will be
     refunded, less a cancellation charge of NOK 500. NO REFUND of
     registration fees will be made for cancellation after this date.
     When sending Eurocheques, please note that the total amount of
     NOK 1300 per cheque may not be exceeded. Payment by bank
     transfer should be made to:
        bank account no 8601.10.34510 with Fokus Bank
        N-7034 Trondheim, Norway
     All payments should be marked properly with the name of the
     participant. Confirmation of registration, hotel accommodation
     etc. will be mailed to participants in the middle of April.
     Rooms will be allocated in order of receipt. Early registration
     is therefore recommended.
     Cancellation terms for the post-conference tour:
     There will be no fee for cancellations of the post-conference
     tour if received before 10 April. Fees will not be refunded
     after this date. If tours must be cancelled by the operator due
     to lack of interest, payment will be refunded, less a
     transfer/swift charge.
     The enclosed registration form should be completed and returned
     to the Secretariat to reach Trondheim preferably before 29 March
     1993. Registration by e-mail is also possible. Please submit
     your payment in Norwegian kroner (NOK).
     Conference Secretariat JENC'93
     SEVU, Congress Department
     The Norwegian Institute of Technology
     N-7034 Trondheim, Norway
     Tel: +47 7 59 56 69
     Fax: +47 7 51 72 26
     E-mail: jenc93@localhost
     First name:            Title:
     Office address:
     Tel:                   Fax:               E-mail:
     Accompanying person(s)
     Surname:               First name:
     Price Category I:
          O Single w/bath NOK 795 - 875
          O Double w/bath NOK 945 - 1055
     Price Category II
          O Single w/bath NOK 690 - 700
          O Double w/bath NOK 790 - 800
     Price Category III
          O Single w/bath NOK 495 - 595
          O Double w/bath NOK 595 - 695
     No. of persons:        Arrival date:      Departure date:
     Due to recent government regulations, all prices may be subject
     to change.
     All prices per room per day, including breakfast. Account to be
     settled directly with the hotel upon departure.
     Please mark as appropriate and include payment.
                                                 No.  Total NOK
        O EARLY Registration fee       NOK 3000  ..   ......
        O LATE Registration fee        NOK 3300  ..   ......
        O Concert & Reception Inclusive 
        O Gala Dinner Dinner Inclusive
        O Gala Dinner for Accomp. Pers.NOK 600   ..   ......
        O Hiking in Bymarka            NOK 310   ..   ......
        O Munkholmen Island            NOK 290   ..   ......
        O Sightseeing in Trondheim     NOK 340   ..   ......
        O Mountain town of Roros       NOK 520   ..   ......
        O Post-Conference Tour         NOK 3800  ..   ......
     I wish to attend one of the following tutorials:
        O Protocols for Distributed Computing over
          Gigabit Networks / David J. Farber/ Guru
          M. Parulkar
                                            NOK 1200  ......
        O X.400 : its evolution until nowadays, and
          its current trends / Olivier Paridaens
                                            NOK 1200  ......
        O SNMP Overview / Daniel Karrenberg
                                            NOK 1200  ......
        O Managing TCP/IP Network Under UNIX
          /Suleyman Kondakci
                                            NOK 1200  ......
        O ISODE - The ISO Development Environment /
          Michael Mueller
                                            NOK 1200  ......
                                            TOTAL NOK ......
        O Cheque enclosed
        O Payment made to bank account No. 8601.10.34510 (copy of
          bank transfer enclosed)
     Date:         Signature: