Important for RIPE 14 hotel bookings !!

Dear folks,

Despite of what was mentioned earlier in the announcement and my latest
message in the hostcount, hotel reservations must be in before January 8, so
January 7th at the latest.

*   For reasons beyond our  control, a  list of  the KRYSTAL   *
*   hotel guests must be completed on January 8,  1993, i.e.   *
*   one day sooner than  originally planned.   Therefore, we   *
*   must  ask  those  of  you  who  have not  sent us  their   *
*   Accomodation  Requests  so  far  but  who  wish to  take   *
*   advantage of the special price  in KRYSTAL,  to register   *
*   as soon as possible.  We cannot accept any  requests for   *
*   accomodation which are delivered to us after January  7,   *
*   1993.  We regret any inconvenience which this may  cause   *
*   to the RIPE members.                                       *
*                                                              *
*   Best  regards,                                             *
*         Organisers of the RIPE Meeting in Prague             *