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RIPE NCC Quarterly Report #3 Available

RIPE NCC Quarterly Report #3 Available

The third quarterly report from the RIPE NCC is now available from the
RIPE document store.  It details NCC activities during the third quarter
of 1992.  In particular it gives statistics of the European Internet
Registry and the NCC information services. 

As always we eagerly look forward to your comments and suggestions about
the report in particular and NCC activities in general.

We will *not* distribute paper copies of the report at the Praha RIPE
meeting in order to save some trees. As usual there will be a short 
presentation of NCC activities during the RIPE meeting.

How to get it: The document ID is ripe-79.  Gopher, WAIS and WWW users
should be able to find it.  FTP users can get it from host ftp.ripe.net.
The filenames are

	ripe/docs/ripe-docs/ripe-79.txt		ASCII
	ripe/docs/ripe-docs/ripe-79.ps		PostScript


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