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RIPE DNS Hostcount December 1992


First of all, best wishes for 1993 once more.

Below the last hostcount for 1992. Not much comments, just that CS and FI
went down a bit, probably due to unreachable nameservers.

Overall a nice increase of 12,500 to over 284,000. We have some catching up
to do to reach 300,000 at the next RIPE meeting.
Again the entire history is appended below, and all the output files can be
fetched again from ftp.ripe.net:ripe/hostcount

Before I forget, anyone who wishes to have their hotel for the next RIPE
meeting to be reserved by the people in Prague, should send in the
registration form before the end of this week. Also people who arrange their
own hotel, but will be present at the RIPE meeting should send in a line to
meeting@localhost, so that we and the people in Prague have some estimate on
the number of people that will attend for all logistics.

See you in Prague,



                  RIPE DNS Hostcount

Previous Count : Mon Nov 30 1992
This Count     : Thu Dec 31 1992

CY         SOA     COUNTED        DUPL        REAL    CHANGE
al           1           0           0           0         0
at         201        8786          52        8734    +  506
be          34        2076          68        2008    +  111
bg           1           0           0           0         0
by           0           0           0           0         0
ch         112       23120         169       22951    + 1236
cs          40         962          72         890    -   22
de         997       62461        1166       61295    + 2511
dk          85        4949          48        4901    +    5
dz           0           0           0           0         0
ee           8          67           0          67    +    3
es         186        5574          91        5483    +    3
fi         164       19042         473       18569    -  460
fr         334       25243         499       24744    + 1051
gb           1           5           0           5    +    1
gr          42         697         150         547    +   56
hr           0           0           0           0         0
hu           6         491           2         489    +  389
ie          29        1128          13        1115    +  133
is          15         748           9         739    +   29
it         217        7212         105        7107    +  240
il          42        3640          54        3586    +  169
lt           1           0           0           0         0
lu           6         110           0         110    +    2
lv           1           7           0           7         0
nl         294       24443         397       24046    +  488
no         361       18837         268       18569    + 1329
pl          79        1573          10        1563    +  552
pt          62        1838          41        1797    + 1797
ro           0           0           0           0         0
se         355       25379         224       25155    +  535
si           1           1           0           1         0
su         127          52           0          52    +    2
tn           2          12           0          12         0
ua           0           0           0           0         0
uk         435       56048        6227       49821    + 1913
va           0           0           0           0         0
yu           2          11           0          11         0
          4241      294512       10138      284374    +12579


Oct 1990         31724
Nov 1990         33665
Dec 1990         29230
Jan 1991         43832
Feb 1991            -
Mar 1991         44506
Apr 1991         46948
May 1991             -
Jun 1991         63267
Jul 1991             -
Aug 1991         73069
Sep 1991         92834
Oct 1991        104824
Nov 1991        129652
Dec 1991             -
Jan 1992             -
Feb 1992        161434
Mar 1992        167939
Apr 1992        170050
May 1992        182528
Jun 1992        196758
Jul 1992        213017
Aug 1992        221951
Sep 1992        232522
Oct 1992        254585
Nov 1992        271795
Dec 1992	284374

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