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RIPE DNS Hostcount November 1992


Please find below the RIPE Domain Name System hostcount for November 1992.
Also included again are the totals found for every hostcount done since the
start of all this.

- Hungary (HU) went down a little due to connectivity problems

- Portugal (PT) is a bit more serious, since not one machine inside Portugal
could be contacted. It seems that they have lost all connectivity to the
outside world.

- again the counts for Germany (DE) and United-Kingdom (UK) have been done
inside the country, and the results collected at the NCC.

Overall a nice increase of around 17,000 to just under 272,000. It seems that
300,000 can be reached near the next RIPE meeting in January in Prague.

Comparing this with the global zone survey as done at SRI by Mark Lottor, we
can conclude that almost 25% of all hosts in the DNS are in Europe (or at
least registered in the European part of the DNS).



                  RIPE DNS Hostcount

Previous Count : Sat Oct 31 1992
This Count     : Mon Nov 30 1992

CY         SOA     COUNTED        DUPL        REAL    CHANGE
al           1           0           0           0         0
at         190        8253          25        8228    +  652
be          34        1966          69        1897    +  289
bg           1           0           0           0         0
by           0           0           0           0         0
ch         103       21887         172       21715    +  896
cs          19         987          75         912    +   82
de         987       60182        1398       58784    + 3805
dk          84        4943          47        4896    +  264
dz           0           0           0           0         0
ee           7          64           0          64    +    4
es         174        5558          78        5480    +  451
fi         150       19517         488       19029    +  651
fr         323       24193         500       23693    + 2659
gb           1           4           0           4    +    2
gr          30         506          15         491    +  130
hr           0           0           0           0         0
hu          10         100           0         100    -   71
ie          26         994          12         982    +   73
is          13         717           7         710    +   37
it         212        6960          93        6867    +  944
il          41        3473          56        3417    +   90
lt           1           0           0           0         0
lu           6         108           0         108    +   18
lv           1           7           0           7    +    7
nl         291       23973         415       23558    + 1194
no         354       17499         259       17240    +  729
pl          49        1044          33        1011    +  217
pt           1           0           0           0    - 1623
ro           0           0           0           0         0
se         361       24848         228       24620    + 1096
si           1           1           0           1    +    1
su         125          50           0          50    +    3
tn           2          12           0          12    +    3
ua           0           0           0           0         0
uk         392       54752        6844       47908    + 4607
va           0           0           0           0         0
yu           2          11           0          11         0
          3992      282609       10814      271795    +17210


Oct 1990         31724
Nov 1990         33665
Dec 1990         29230
Jan 1991         43832
Feb 1991            -
Mar 1991         44506
Apr 1991         46948
May 1991             -
Jun 1991         63267
Jul 1991             -
Aug 1991         73069
Sep 1991         92834
Oct 1991        104824
Nov 1991        129652
Dec 1991             -
Jan 1992             -
Feb 1992        161434
Mar 1992        167939
Apr 1992        170050
May 1992        182528
Jun 1992        196758
Jul 1992        213017
Aug 1992        221951
Sep 1992        232522
Oct 1992        254585
Nov 1992        271795

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