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GMD will establish an EBONE EBS in Germany

>you all are aware of the suboptimal IP-connectivity within Europe in general 
>and to and from Germany specifically. After talks with the german national
>network organization (DFN) GMD decided to make the following commitment:
>GMD will establish an EBONE EBS in Germany. This shall be done by providing
>at least 2x256Kb bandwidth to two other EBSs in short term. The selection 
>of the endpoints of the lines will be negotiated within EBONE as well as the
>embedding in a new financial structure of EBONE. Add ons on the bandwith by 
>the other endpoints or other contributors are welcome. We are in contact with 
>the German IP service providers to organize the national setup and connectivity 
>of the EBS. We plan to be operational by Feb. 93.

This is extremly good news for whole community in Germany. Well done.

>We also shall participate in the EMPB activities and shall continuosly evaluate 
>both services to provide the best possible connectivity for our clients. 
>We talked to a number of people on this plan and got mostly a very possitive 
>response. We hope this step to improve internet connectivity in Europe gets 
>support from everybody in the arena.

As you are, aware ECRC supports this new and much needed initiative.
Congratulations to all concerned at the GMD.
Dave Morton

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