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The following I ask on behalf of the EBONE as a request to the RIPE

The EAT would like to get the RIPE peoples wish-list for Ebone 93,
Proposals, ideas or any other input is welcome.
Please send any reply to Berhard Stockman (boss@localhost) of Peter Lothberg
(roll@localhost), or to the whole list if you think it is of general interest.
They will compile it into a document, which will be presented at the ECCO
meeting coming Monday. Time is rather limited, so please send in any ideas
before Friday noon, so that the Berhard and Peter will have time to compile
it into something.

Among matter of interest that need input are

- Financial models for EBONE
- High speed pilot on EBONE
- AUP free implementation of Transatlantic links
- Multicast support in EBONE

- Other subjects ?

Peter and Bernhard will appreciate any ideas/suggestions that you may have.

Thanks all,


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