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Delivery Report (failure) for christophe.jean@localhost

This report relates to your message: (p)(p) Undelivere...
        of Tue, 1 Sep 1992 11:41:23 +0200

Your message was not delivered to   christophe.jean@localhost
        for the following reason:
        Message timed out 

***** The following information is directed towards the local administrator
***** and is not intended for the end user
* DR generated in /PRMD=cicb/ADMD=atlas/C=FR/
*         at Fri, 4 Sep 1992 11:44:49 +0200
* Converted to RFC 822 at relay.surfnet.nl
*         at Fri, 4 Sep 1992 12:19:52 +0200
* Delivery Report Contents:
* Subject-Submission-Identifier: [/PRMD=surf/ADMD=400net/C=nl/;715340489@localhost]
* Content-Identifier: (p)(p) Undelivere...
* Content-Type: p2
* Subject-Intermediate-Trace-Information:  /PRMD=cicb/ADMD=atlas/C=FR/arrival Tue, 1 Sep 1992 11:41:23 +0200 action Relayed
* Subject-Intermediate-Trace-Information:  /PRMD=inria/ADMD=atlas/C=FR/arrival Tue, 1 Sep 1992 11:47:44 +0200 action Relayed
* Subject-Intermediate-Trace-Information:  /PRMD=surf/ADMD=400net/C=nl/arrival Tue, 1 Sep 1992 10:57:14 +0200 action Relayed
* Recipient-Info: christophe.jean@localhost,
*         /G=christophe/S=jean/PRMD=hbroussais/ADMD=0/C=fr/;
*         FAILURE reason Unable-To-Transfer (1);
*         diagnostic Maximum-Time-Expired (5);
*         last trace Tue, 1 Sep 1992 10:57:14 +0200;
****** End of administration information 

The Original Message is not available

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