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Re: European IP requests - template

>   > bob@localhost writes:
>   > .... 
>   > There is potential for confusion here, as some IP service providers will
>   > have their own application forms that differ from this RIPE default templat
>   > e.
>   > (We do -- for much the same reasons that you have a different format to
>   > the US form -- local conditions prevail.) 
>   > ...
> After giving it some thought I strongly believe that we should go for a
> European IP network number *registration* form and eventually for a 
> worldwide one.
> This should be agreed within RIPE. If additional information is necessary
> locally that should be asked on a local addendum. 
> My reasoning: If we don't do this the procedures will be totally confusing
> and obsolete versions of the form(s) will be abundant. 
> My plan: Agree on such a form at the next RIPE meeting.
> Input welcome.
> Daniel
I completely agree with Daniel. We (the GARR-NIS) are proceding in this
way for italian networks: we use the ripe template with local additions
that we filter out when we send the updates to ripe-dbm.

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Antonio_Blasco Bonito                         E-Mail: bonito@localhost
CNUCE - Istituto del CNR         C=it;ADMD=garr;PRMD=cnr;O=cnuce;S=bonito
Reparto Infrastrutture di Rete per la Ricerca        Tel: +39 (50) 593246
Via S. Maria, 36                                    Telex: 500371 CNUCE I
56126 PISA   Italy                                   Fax: +39 (50) 589354
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