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Re: National NICs sought for Network Number Assignments

On Tue, 11 Aug 92 15:14:50 GMT you said:
>  >Conclusion: We must find a European -and ultimately world wide- method
>  >of funding NCC (and NIC) activities correctly.  The more I think about
>  >it the more I think that "renting out" address space is the wa>y to do it
>  >for the registration service.  But how to charge and how to split the
>  >revenue among national NICs, the NCC and the global NIC is a very tricky
>  >thing.  In the meantime it would be beneficial to the community if
>  >commercial providers which do not yet contribute to NCC funding would
>  >consider contributing.  It is not much money in absolute terms if
>  >everyone chips in.  ANd it is good for their business too.
>You're right on this, but even if they save the little money, the NCC
>is good for their business. So, if if a provider has a choice, what
>will he choose ?
>  >Opinions?
>	Andreas
>  >Daniel

Which is why Israel decided to fund the NCC with a 1000ECU contribution
per year.  At some point the NCC might have to fix costs per country (which
is what the OU is supposed to do), but until that time comes around that
doesn't mean we should all freeload on the services of the NCC (registering
domains and people and networks takes time as well as the excellent
quarterly report they have produced so far).


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