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> Bernhard, 
> 	while I fully agree with practically all your comments, I do have
> a remark to the paragraph below.
> >     The IXI Production Service prices are based on the assumption that at
> >     least 75 64 Kbps access point equivalents will be contracted where a
> >     64 Kbps access point counts as 1 and a 2 Mbps access points counts as
> >     11.4.  If it turns out that there is not enough 64 Kbps equivalents
> >     sold, the price offer will not be valid.
> In none of papers I have seen is the provision of IP service by IXI-PS 
> made dependent on any specific number of "ports" being signed up. It is 
> entirly possible that the 75 64 Kbps access point equivalents will be 
> signed up for X.25 use alone (in fact if you assume that the TRIXI 
> proponents will sign up for 2MB service, and that the current IXI 
> subscribers will keep at least their current connections, it is trivial).
> Besides this, there are a couple of obvious sales tatics that can be
> employed to make any "boycott" of IXI-PS doomed to fail.
> 				Simon

There will not be 'the network' there will be several, the crusial
pont here is that we need to create the grounds needed to get maximal
connectivity and routing stability among EVERY network.

This makes it possible to have a market for network service, wich is
what market-driven economy is all about. We need to porvide the glue
between those operators.

The whole CEC thing on computer networks seems wery strange to me,
DG13 is trying to build monopolies, while DG4(?) are there to prevent
anyone to get a to big share of a market!


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