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Proposed Charter for OpenSource WG
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Ondrej Filip
ondrej.filip at
Fri Sep 28 12:07:54 CEST 2012
Dear RIPE community members! I hope many of you were able to follow Martin's presentation during today's plenary. For the others I am sending a short summary how this idea emerged and also a text of the proposed charter. We will appreciate any feedback from you. Originally, the open source routing developers of Quagga and BIRD wanted to have a space to meet with their product users and therefore organized two BoFs at the RIPE meetings. Both BoFs where quite successful with reasonable high attendance about fifty people. We had very interesting discussion and live exchange of ideas between open source developers and users. And it helped to improve both mentioned products as some of the requested features were implemented and therefore it also helped some of the participants in their deployments. On those BoFs an idea of forming RIPE WG emerged. However if was felt that to focus only on routing daemon software would be to narrow. So the idea was modified to create a working group discussing all open source project relevant to RIPE community. This proposed working group charter follows: --- The aim of the Open Source Working Group is to foster discussion among developers, ISPs and other RIPE community members about Open Source projects related to the RIPE community. The working group believes into the future benefits of Open Source in the community and regularly discusses new features and advices on developments on selected projects. The idea of this WG is really focused on open coordination and feedback between developers of Open Source Software and the RIPE community. We want to sustain a platform where developers from a project can present recent updates, discuss their plans and get feedback on their work. We do want to limit the coverage on projects related and of interest to the RIPE community. Example of Open Source projects which we believe are a good fit for the group are Routing products like Bird, Quagga, OpenBGPd, XORP and other projects relevant to the community like DHCP, Network Management tools like RRDtool, Ntop or Nagios. --- To test if this idea might work, we propose to have yet another one BoF during the next RIPE run similarly as a regular WG session. And in case of success we would propose a formation of a new WG. Thank you for you comments! Martin Winter and Ondrej Filip
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