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Fwd: Revision of IPv4 policy doc - proposed timeline

Dear colleagues,

Just a quick reminder that the first revision period of the IPv4 policy draft document, will end the coming Friday (25 January).
The document which will replace the current RIPE document:"European Internet Registry Policies and Procedures" (ripe-185) is available at:


We encourage you to revise this document and to send any comments you may have to the ripe-185bis@localhost mailing list.
Your input is essential, as this document describes all IPv4 policies to be implemented by the RIPE NCC and the LIRs in the RIPE NCC service region.

Mirjam Kuhne mir@localhost will be co-ordinating the revision process, should you have any specific questions regarding the policy draft document.

We look forward to your comments.

Nurani Nimpuno

Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 13:12:39 +0100 (CET)
From: Nurani Nimpuno nurani@localhost
To:  lir-wg@localhost
Subject: Revision of IPv4 policy doc - proposed timeline

Dear colleagues,

We wish to draw your attention to the revision of the current IPv4 policy
document and the first draft, posted on the web in August 2001:


A few comments were gathered after the publication of the draft, as
summarised below:

- ASN policy should be in a separate policy document.
- Further clarification of the "Static assignments for services that are
permanently connected to the Internet" possibly needed.
- Clarification of policy on registration of End-User contact details in
the RIPE db (with respect to privacy).
- Re-wording (re-clarification) of the Reverse Delegation policy section.

The public mailing list ripe-185bis@localhost was set up to facilitate
the revision of this draft, but other than the comments listed above,
there has been very little activity.

The IPv4 policy draft has now been publicly available for comments for
five months and I believe we are all keen to see a final version of this
document out soon. We would therefore like to propose the following
timeline to move forward with the publication of the new IPv4 policy

11-25 Jan   : 1st revision period (2 weeks)
              - Public call for comments
25 Jan-7 Feb: Editing by the RIPE NCC (2 weeks)
              Comments to be incorporated by the RIPE NCC
7 Feb       : 2nd draft to be published by the RIPE NCC
7 Feb-21 Feb: 2nd revision period  (2 weeks)
              - Public call for comments
21-28 Feb   : Final editing by the RIPE NCC (1 week)
28 Feb      : Final version of the policy document to be published.

We welcome any input on this draft and encourage you to send your comments
to ripe-185bis@localhost.

If you wish to subscribe to this mailing list, please send a mail to
majordomo@localhost with "subscribe ripe-185@localhost" (without quotation
marks) in the body of the message. The mailing list is also archived at:


Mirjam mir@localhost will be co-ordinating the revision process, should
you have any specific questions regarding the policy draft document.

We hope that the proposed timeline is acceptable to everyone and we look
forward to your comments.


Nurani Nimpuno
Internet Address Policy Manager

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