Prototype RPSL Re-Implementation server ( back online
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RIPE Database Administration ripe-dbm at
Thu Nov 9 18:00:03 CET 2000
Dear Colleagues, This mail is to announce that the prototype RPSL Re-implementation server is back online, after we experienced hardware problems that caused a temporary unavailability of the server. The server, which runs on port 43 of host (also known as, mirrors in near-real-time the live RIPE Database from, translating all the objects in RPSL format. We take this opportunity to renew our invitation to all of you to extensively test the server, in order to gain experience with the usage of RPSL language. Soon this will become the language of the production RIPE Database. If you run any scripts that use, we invite you to test them on, and eventually adapt them for RPSL. If you want to mirror the RIPE Database using the RPSL stream, please contact <ripe-dbm at> for further information. The test RPSL server, that allows you to send your updates to a test database in RPSL format, is currently still offline. We will re-enable it as soon as possible and notify you when that happens. We are sorry for any inconvenience that this outage might have caused. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to contact <ripe-dbm at>. Regards, Daniele Arena ____________________________ RIPE Database Administration.
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